Try to be patient and loving with yourself and others. Trust. The Collective has chosen. We are ascending. “I know who you are in truth. I know what you are in truth. I know how you serve in truth. You are free. You are free. You are free.” Melchezidek through Paul Selig We are rising from… Fear to Love Sleeping to Awakened Control to Surrender Small Self to Divine Self Separation to Wholeness Lower to Higher vibration Compliance to Empowerment Illusion to Truth Judgement to Acceptance Scarcity to Abundance Conflict to Peace Apathy to Responsibility Denial to Faith and Trust Mind to Heart Thinking to Knowing Information to Wisdom Doing to Being Linear time to Eternal moment Isolation to Connection Ignorance to Awareness Repression to Feeling Resistance to Flow Unworthiness to Receptivity Enslavement to Freedom Victim to Master Frustration to Patience Conformity to Authenticity Individual gain to Collective benefit Shame to Self-love Discrimination to Compassion Aggression to Tolerance Personal will to Divine will Indifference to Kindness Reaction to Response Singularity to Singular plurality Greed to Generosity History to The Unknown Role-playing to True Expression Limited to Infinite potentiality Contraction to Expansion Suffering to Ease Agenda to Allowance Blocked to Boundless Creativity Dis-ease to Well-being Entitlement to Gratitude Conquerors to Stewards of Gaia Success (financial) to Growth (experience) Governance to Sovereignty and so much more *photo by Alex Shute