
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We have come today to embrace humanity in the ever present vibration of unconditional divine love. Through this embrace we show you the necessary derivative known as compassion. Compassion stems out of love, out of the witnessing of another. Allowing them to be as they are and neutrally supporting how they feel by seeing the inherent value of their being and presence. You are not thinking or agreeing. You are merely understanding that their experience is unique, worthwhile and of value, no matter whether it resonates with you or not. Compassion is the feeling that arises when you can understand that even though you have not been met by the same circumstances, your love and support can bring them into a more balanced approach. They then can access their inner, intuitive wisdom where appropriate responses will appear. You are not fixing or even caring for (although that might come after), you are aligning to and empowering their True Self and in so doing allowing for a possible shift within their sphere of experience. Compassion is like a soft cushion given to someone sitting on a hard surface. It makes them comfortable and able to sit longer. Be the comfort and know that that can be enough in their moment of need.” in partnership with Mother Mary

*photo by Transly Translation Agency

Being with God

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“A time of worship is also a time to rest and commune with the Divine- the Divine within and without. It is a time to sit, be silent, breathe, go within and acknowledge the great Oneness, the All That Is. It is here, in this moment, that eternity is felt and engaged with. It is here, in the heart, that Oneness is experienced. You are aspects of God. Beautiful pieces of the whole, enlightened, enlivened and enjoyed. God enjoys you! You are a blessing/a gift- a driving force that lifts, shifts and recounts the moment. As you each live your lives, Source expands to encompass “more”. There is nothing wasted, wrong or forgotten. All is used in a multitude of ways that far exceed anything you can imagine. Trust in your journey and the journeys of others. Know that each one is precious in and of themselves. Allow for your differences. Embrace them, encourage them, understand them as growth and opportunity. Love them and let all flourish in this environment, this garden of care, compassion and kindness. If you can/when you can, the world will change in an instant, to a place you call home.” in partnership with Yeshua

Be blessed by life

When our minds spiral into overwhelm, staying present and trusting that what we meet is there “for” us and not “against” can lift our perspective.  I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today you sit before us deciding things that you may never meet, come across or experience. You are thinking in ways that distort your perceptive abilities and in so doing, creating a little havoc for yourself. This is easily managed by putting down any thought that is not “of the moment”. Any thought that is either looking ahead or looking back. Just realize all you need, you already have. It is all present with you now. So, if that is the case- all your awareness/focus and attention can solely be given to what is in front of you.

Allow each moment to be lived. Truly lived. Experience it and all of the textures/flavours/feelings that it brings forth in you. This enriches your life more than you know. So, of today, of this moment, live with the awareness that each moment is a precious gift for you. One that you are able to receive in gratitude and joy. Allow life to bless you and be blessed by life.” in partnership with Yeshua

     (It is here that I ask about daydreaming) – “Daydreaming allows you to lift above your circumstances and see anew, into possibilities that can be created. These flashes of inspiration are just that…see it, feel it and know it as possible and then let it go. There is no need to place more attention on it, you are not the one who will bring it to you. Your soul will if it is for your highest good.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Alex Alvarez

A peaceful, loving and joyful world

This is a beautiful and powerful, channeled prayer from Melchizedek through Paul Selig. (Chapter 3 of the book “The Kingdom”)

“May I know peace. May I know love. May I know myself in gratitude of the gifts of the Kingdom that seek to be bestowed upon me. May I know joy and prosperity. May I know my brother as myself, my sister as myself. May I know all things as they truly are, and not as how I’ve been instructed to see them. May I know God in the air, in the sky, in the earth, in the sea, and in all things. I offer myself to God in this new agreement. Behold, I make all things new.”

And a channeled attunement I say daily…

 “I am in peace. I am acting in peace. I am serving in peace for the  highest good of all.”

     May we know peace within and without. Wishing the world love, peace and joy. 

Stand Tall

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“This message is dedicated to all those who have ever felt they’ve lost their way. To these supposedly lost souls, those judged and discarded, forgotten or disgraced- please “Stand Tall”. Know that your journey was your own to explore whatever/wherever you chose. There was never a right way to be or a right place to go. You are always exactly where you are meant to be, always present in the experience, in the expression that you are choosing to be in. Allow yourself to let go of the defining qualities others have placed on you. Step out of the box, the limited perspective you placed yourself in. Allow yourself to breathe and to know that with each breath you are enough, as you are, where you are. You are worthy of Being. You are capable of so much more than the limited format you have been following and instead open yourself to the possibility of “other”. Other ways to explore, other ways to express and other ways to choose. Know that no matter where you are, you are loved, supported and gifted with opportunities that will ultimately guide you to a higher purview/place/ experience. You are always surrounded and if you allow, you will be led to where you may access the best possible opportunities for your growth and evolution. Allow yourself to open and accept there may be “other”. in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Austin Neill

New possibilities

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“You have come today to bring about great change within your life and systems. You are struggling with the old, old thought patterns, old habits, old interests- old! You are perched, even a little precariously on the edge and you are looking down instead of up. You keep drawing back into the old when all you need do is “look up”. Stop resisting, stop judging, stop denying and start allowing for possible change, possibilities. New ways of thinking, new interests, new behaviour/habits. Allow yourself the freedom by trusting that you will naturally shift/direct your attention towards something that will make/take your life in a new direction. Allow yourself to dream a little, imagine a little and stretch yourself, expand your vision and always look up!“ in partnership with Yeshua