I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We are here to shine bright upon the world so you can see clearly. Our light purifies any illusion, separation, untruths and misperceptions. Conflicts both internal and external may be mended, forgiven during this powerful portal of peace and love. As you move into the energies of 2023, you will all see your place in the grand scheme of life. Your journey is as important as any and you will finally understand the brilliance you carry and express. As you move into your own empowerment, the world opens up to embrace you. The more you open, the more you will be met with momentum and forward movement. You can only know what is in the moment. You will soon get used to living there, allowing your life to unfold as you stay present and aware. Once you are in full expression, there will no longer be struggle. Those days will be over and internal conflict will give way to the joy of being.
As love surrounds the world and all people come together, you will finally experience the oneship you truly are. This time is precious, for “becoming” is a gift that you have been waiting for a long time. Allow yourself to savour life now.” in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by Patrick (patuphotos)