I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“You sit before us in a state of grace. This ease that surrounds you is yours to accept. The ease of being, in receptivity, calls/ brings and allows grace to show up wherever it is needed. When it gifts you blessings, you must witness them and pick them up. Accept them with gratitude. Don’t just look and not touch. Grab ahold with gusto, with joy and know that you are deserving. How you receive is as important as receiving. If you are tentative, if you are unsure of your capacity and ability, the Universe will respond and start limiting a little inorder to offset your timidity. We want you to receive and gobble down, not with avarice and greed but with an appetite. You say to the Universe…”Yes, please and second helpings please. This was delicious and I want some more.” Allow the Universe, grace, to know when enough is enough. Your job is to feed, to acknowledge the incredible meal and its nutrition. Stop limiting yourself and start trusting in your capacity and ability to ingest and digest all that is on your plate. Enjoy it ALL!” in partnership with Yeshua