I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“These uncertain times bring great opportunities to dig deep and mine the gold that is hidden there. You are all golden children and you have many layers of rust, tarnish that hide the innate glow & beauty you hold within. This time that you have is stripping it all away so you can finally recognize and remember how truly magnificent you are.
As each day passes in isolation, you become more comfortable with less distractions and more at ease in your presence. You find little projects to do, listen to more music and maybe paint or draw. All of these pastimes allows you to explore your creativity more and brings you into a feeling of enjoyment. No matter what is going on, there are always moments of joy that can be lived and felt.
So as you all move forward and you will, the choices you make will be based more on the collective rather than the individual. You will bring a broader perspective into view and you will ensure everyone is considered. This is a great stride and it is what you all want to see happen. So trust in your innate beauty and wisdom. It will bring you along until one day you will look around and the world will have changed.” in partnership with Yeshua