I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
The teachings of Melchizedek may be found through Paul Selig. They are available for you and will lovingly support your evolution.
“The challenges you face at this point are given to you to ensure your forward movement. Regard all circumstances as lessons and opportunities in areas of your life that need advancement. A higher perspective will help the old ways release so that there is room for the new. Each time you feel you get to the end of your rope, another two feet appear. You are digging deep and finding resources inside yourself to create the foundation that you will build upon. This foundation is not only for yourself but for the community that will surround you. So hang onto the knowledge/understanding that all is growth and this growth is essential. Face whatever presents knowing that you are always supported, held and loved. You are never alone.” in partnership with Melchizedek
*photo by Elizabeth Morgan