If you are feeling a little sad or a little lost, may this beautiful message from Yeshua fill you with love. I offer it from my heart to yours.
“May I remind you of how loved you all are. As you serve so are you served.* Every blessing you offer is returned. Every gesture of kindness and care is held within your field, your records, and you are rewarded. Not as how you are on Earth. There are no accolades, gold stars and prizes. You are rewarded by growth, expansion, wisdom and knowing that you are a conduit of God. The more you surrender, the more Source can use you. The sadness you feel is of surrender. You keep trying to figure out what you “should” do and that no longer resonates, motivates. It is only in “knowing” that you feel comfortable now and when you don’t know, your mind tells you, you are lost. It is untrue. You are meant to just be present and to allow yourself whatever you wish. No demands, just allowance. Keep bringing your mind back into the present, feel where you are, bathe in the energies and allow integration to continue without resistance. Let go of the “should’s”. Be easy on yourself. Love yourself back into wholeness.” in partnership with Yeshua
*there is a saying…”ask to serve and not be served”. I found it interesting that in this message as we serve, we too are blessed.🙏