This message came through me and I offer it from my heart to yours with love.
“Dear Ones, this is Yeshua and I welcome you into a new year of major growth, opportunities and love. This year will be helping to bring you into your true essence. To allow the divinity within each one to guide and lead you to your new lives. That part of you that knows who you truly are will become louder, more present until soon you will “be” all that you are. When that time comes, you will finally understand the depth of your existence, not only in this lifetime but your many lifetimes. So, know that when you become who you truly are, all will become clearer as your path forward will unfold in Divine timing and with all the support you need. Trust in us, trust in God and trust in your Higher Self. We are all working together in perfect harmony. Be at peace within and allow your life to be in ease & grace. As you step into your mastery each one will bring their special gifts and abilities to the whole. Celebrate each one and embrace your differences- that will be what creates the most magical experiences. Be open to everything that presents and welcome in the new. Let go of the old conditioning and your old stories & history and start a new chapter. Let this one be written with love, kindness and compassion woven throughout. And as each page turns, let the story unfold with God’s grace. You are all infinitely loved.” Yeshua