I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We have come today to guide and to lift. If allowed, we wish to bring you all into a new vibration of being. We offer this gift of energy to help with the opposing, challenging energies that are swirling around trying to find a place to land. With this parcel of energy, you may sit and commune, find some peace, feel a loving embrace and be seen. We are witnessing your growth with awe and we are beside you, rooting and cheering you on. You are never alone- either in your joy or your sorrow. We and others are encouraging you by offering wisdom/messages that are needed now to soften the way forward. We wish you to know that everything has a purpose. You are not in chaos but in truth of your evolution. You are all powerful beings, not victims and even if it feels like things are piling up, know that you are more than capable of moving through it to where greater ease awaits. That is the journey there on Earth. There is a time for growth and then a time to integrate that growth. So, move into a state of trust and allowance. Try to stay open for synchronicities, wisdom and blessings sent your way. Have faith that a new moment will appear in front of you and gift another experience to behold. Trust, allow, be present, accept, appreciate, let go and start again. Every breath moves you forward. Keep going, live with gratitude and reach out for us when you feel the need. We are with you always.” in partnership with the Dragon Collective
photo by *Mia de Jesus