We have been conditioned to pick sides. We are born into a religion, a race, an environment, a culture which limits our life experience. When we define ourselves tribally, we can shut our hearts to those who are different. We often do not question these ideas of separation but when we do, we see, feel and know a higher perspective. We are ALL of God. We are Divine beings and WE are ONE.
My heart wrote this poem to heal and bring me into compassion. May it do the same for your bruised heart.
Listen Can you hear? A child’s cry drowning in tears.
Listen Can you hear? Bullets flying, shots from a gun. Scorched intentions under a blazing sun.
Listen Can you hear? Families ripped apart at the seams. Precious lives stolen and kidnapped dreams.
Listen Can you hear? Footsteps running on an exploding land. One lone building dares to stand.
Listen Can you hear? Deafening silence over the rubble. Grief fills the void, each breath a struggle.
Listen Can you hear? People shouting. Both sides in pain, separated by beliefs and political gain.
Listen Can you hear? A weeping world in loss and fear.
Send out your prayers, they will be heard and place a dove upon your words… “May ALL hearts heal, have love to give, no matter which side of the border you live.”
To all those who are facing challenges in their lives and finding it difficult to maintain balance, trust and peace. This too shall pass. I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Calm yourself. You are in a full blown reaction of all things you have lived/ experienced that you could not control. You have created this drama to play out all your doubt, disempowerment, disillusionment and frustration. This feeling of powerlessness is what is being released and replaced with trust in yourself, your guides/helpers so you can move forward in ease & for the highest good. Sometimes it looks different then what the “easy outcome” is and sometimes it is the process that is the opportunity and not the result. Trust that indeed this will be over. Trust that all your feelings are teaching you and moving you to a higher purview. You are releasing so much in a short time. This was a perfect opportunity for a level of discomfort that was safe and innocuous. You are being met with all that you need and everything will work out well. So relax, let go and let God manage the details for today. Let go and surrender the outcome knowing that tomorrow will come and you will be met with circumstances that will resolve and bring you forward to your next experience of being. You can stop fretting, judging yourself/others and playing out worst case scenarios. Trust and allow.” in partnership with Yeshua
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Dear Ones, please know that you are always loved and supported throughout your day and all the days after. During these times that are both challenging and productive, understand how much growth you and the collective are doing. Growth pushes boundaries, creates confusion and sometimes it gets to a crisis level before change can take place. So, be aware that when things look dire, it is just the first step on the journey of great change, healing and rebirth. Understand that when you wait a little, allowing it to do its job, you will see the results, see the shifts that will then create/produce a new world. Stay/be grounded in trust and know that you are never alone in your challenges. You are never alone to face what is before you no matter what appears. Lean on us and learn to look for the many solutions, blessings, opportunities and helpers we send you. Trust in this and flourish during unsettled times.” In partnership with the Dragon Collective
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“As we sit here and commune, you ask your questions. These questions are from the small self, the one that needs to know how things will be, how things end up. Now is the time when choices direct you. Your thoughts, feelings, actions and words determine the way forward. As you sit/be- understand that what you put your attention on grows, like a seed when watered. Understand if you rally on or resist then that too grows. Your attention, your focus becomes your reality. Stay in peace, love, acceptance, curiosity, gratitude and joy. Always turn to a perspective that is inclusive, direct your attention to what you want to feel and it will be. Stop analyzing and be in allowance. Where you choose to show up is where your heart will be. Be there and know that everything will unfold in a way that supports the highest good. Surrender and allow and your life will continue to gift you the many blessings that are always available waiting for your attention and receptivity. Embrace the moment.” in partnership with Archangel Gabrielle
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“As we sit together here and now, trust in the ever-evolving moment. This beautiful flow and rhythm that is life. Your life, all life is an unfolding of all that is meant to “be” – to be experienced, seen, felt and to express through. If too much value is placed on outcomes or agendas, the right or the wrong way “to be” then you are missing out on the totality of the opportunity that is always present for you. You have blinders on and from that limited perspective/ lens/point of view, you make choices that create a limited and sometimes suffocating reality. You bring others into the equation by either trying to please or being resistant. Either way, it again, plays havoc with the innate perfection/beauty that is ALL WAYS in front of you. When you just show up and pay close attention/awareness then and only then can things unfold the way that benefits you and the whole. When you are not deciding what “you want”, everyone ends up getting what “they need”. So, as you move forward in each moment, allow the beauty of your life, of ALL life to be unwrapped and received in a loving awareness that everyone will benefit in the highest way possible. Trust in this and you will always be pleasantly surprised as to the results of each joyful encounter. “ in partnership with God