I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“As we sit together here and now, trust in the ever-evolving moment. This beautiful flow and rhythm that is life. Your life, all life is an unfolding of all that is meant to “be” – to be experienced, seen, felt and to express through. If too much value is placed on outcomes or agendas, the right or the wrong way “to be” then you are missing out on the totality of the opportunity that is always present for you. You have blinders on and from that limited perspective/ lens/point of view, you make choices that create a limited and sometimes suffocating reality. You bring others into the equation by either trying to please or being resistant. Either way, it again, plays havoc with the innate perfection/beauty that is ALL WAYS in front of you. When you just show up and pay close attention/awareness then and only then can things unfold the way that benefits you and the whole. When you are not deciding what “you want”, everyone ends up getting what “they need”. So, as you move forward in each moment, allow the beauty of your life, of ALL life to be unwrapped and received in a loving awareness that everyone will benefit in the highest way possible. Trust in this and you will always be pleasantly surprised as to the results of each joyful encounter. “ in partnership with God