Heart Mission 2023

bringing more heart into people's lives
During this meditation on well-being, when you say peace- breathe peace through your solar plexus and envision yellow. When you say love- breathe love through your heart chakra and envision green. And when you say joy, breathe joy through your crown chakra and envision purple. I am well within my being, in peace, in love, in joy. I am well within my body, in peace, in love, in joy. I am well within my heart, in peace, in love, in joy. I am well within my mind and thoughts, in peace, in love, in joy. I am well within my cells, in peace, in love, in joy. I am well within my energy systems, in peace, in love, in joy. I am well within my relationships, in peace, in love, in joy. I am well within my life circumstances, in peace, in love, in joy. I am well within my world, in peace, in love, in joy. *photo by Emma Simpson
Even though at times our lives can feel punishing, life is not a punishment. Our circumstances may be challenging. It may seem we are alone, in over our heads and unable to do “our life”. This is when we get to dig deeper, trust more and show up for the moment in front of us. Because the truth is, we are not alone, circumstances change and life is our greatest opportunity to feel, learn and grow. Our role is to be who we truly are, in experience and expression.
Through the difficult moments, I have cried, prayed, vented and felt every feeling arising in me. Right now, there is nothing fluffy about my experience. I am so far out of my comfort zone, struggling like a fish out of water and gulping for air. I am flip-flopping and zig-zagging. My feelings intense, I am on a roller coaster of highs and lows. At my lowest, I pray for release and at my highest, I am in loving service. All the while, I am aware that what is before me is a gift. It is not something I can fail or succeed at or something I can do perfectly. It is. It is my life.
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We are here to shine bright upon the world so you can see clearly. Our light purifies any illusion, separation, untruths and misperceptions. Conflicts both internal and external may be mended, forgiven during this powerful portal of peace and love. As you move into the energies of 2023, you will all see your place in the grand scheme of life. Your journey is as important as any and you will finally understand the brilliance you carry and express. As you move into your own empowerment, the world opens up to embrace you. The more you open, the more you will be met with momentum and forward movement. You can only know what is in the moment. You will soon get used to living there, allowing your life to unfold as you stay present and aware. Once you are in full expression, there will no longer be struggle. Those days will be over and internal conflict will give way to the joy of being.
As love surrounds the world and all people come together, you will finally experience the oneship you truly are. This time is precious, for “becoming” is a gift that you have been waiting for a long time. Allow yourself to savour life now.” in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by Patrick (patuphotos)
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Dear One, we have gathered today to celebrate your solstice. In this celebration, we honour/see each and every one of you. As we bear witness to your heart, your soul- we sing to you in gratitude for all that you are bringing into your world and beyond. We know that it has not been an easy road and we are grateful for all the travellers that are carving out the paths/roads into the new. You are paving the way for all those to travel afterwards. Their journeys will have been made easier due to your toil and we sit in appreciation for the work you have done. As you move into the new/unknown, you will navigate an easier terrain, not as many obstacles to climb over. You will feel lighter and soon you will be flying. So, let your fears and your struggles go. Move into allowance for the next chapter/journey. It will be filled with more fun, joy, laughter and adventure as you recognize your home and settle in as one big, happy family.” in love and partnership with Mother Mary
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today there is a special energy that will be available for all that are open to receive it. It is yours to accept if chosen and it will help support your movement forward. It is a gentle, healing energy. You can visualize it as swirling around you- soft green, yellow, white and purple. Allow it to bathe and wash away the old, useless residue of past experience so that you may be refreshed and renewed. Allow this gift to settle in your field so that it can continue its healing for days or until you are fully released of the old and unnecessary. Be aware of what comes up into your consciousness and allow it to leave. Try not to hold on. Imagine a car wash, the energies are the soap and water and you are the car. Afterwards, you will gleam and shine.” in partnership with Archangel Michael
*photo by Zulfahmi Khani