“In God, I live, move and have my being.” (Melchizedek through Paul Selig)
This statement of truth brings me into an experience of Oneness. An inner peace and deep gratitude radiates within and without. I feel safe and loved. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Hold the love, be the love and move in love. This is what you may do to lift beyond the circumstances you wish not to align with. Each day/moment is an opportunity to lift beyond and move into possibility. In this space, you create a life, an experience that is an opportunity to see/be anew. The unknown is just that- not known to you and so there is nothing to attach to, nothing to relate to. Creation is the becoming of something that never was. So, as you step into the new, understand and know that what you bring within yourself shapes the environment that is projected out. Peace, love, joy, prosperity, all first need to be felt and aligned to before an outpicturing/ manifestation occurs. Each day sit in this vibration, know yourself as love, as peace and be grateful for being here now. You have wanted to support/inspire/lift and love all that you encounter. Know yourself as conduits and allow the divine to share any wisdom, healing that streams through. Your presence is enough. Stop doubting and know you are all One with Source, safe and at home in your heart. Be the love that inspires others to do the same.” in partnership with Yeshua
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today, as you sit in your homes feeling either fear or love- know that you are Divine. You are more than the lives you are living and more than your circumstances/challenges/opportunities you are dealing with. You are immense, powerful lights, aspects of Source there to be in growth & evolution. As you read these words, as the energies gifted here filter through your systems, know that you are always becoming more. Ever-expanding, ever-evolving, ever-growing, eternal and infinite. Your lives, your choices and your difficulties are here and then they pass. The Now moment presents you with everything you need. It is in this state of being, your presence will lead you. So, whether you are suffering or inspired- allow the moment to support you, receive the gifts/blessings there for you and always know/trust you will move on. You will learn & grow and the new will enter to move you again. Enjoy your journeys. You have chosen them. Honour yourselves and have faith that no matter how it appears, you are more than capable to manage your lives in both a high way and with ease and grace. You are all surrounded by love. Tap into that and ride the waves.” in partnership with Yeshua
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We have come today to guide and to lift. If allowed, we wish to bring you all into a new vibration of being. We offer this gift of energy to help with the opposing, challenging energies that are swirling around trying to find a place to land. With this parcel of energy, you may sit and commune, find some peace, feel a loving embrace and be seen. We are witnessing your growth with awe and we are beside you, rooting and cheering you on. You are never alone- either in your joy or your sorrow. We and others are encouraging you by offering wisdom/messages that are needed now to soften the way forward. We wish you to know that everything has a purpose. You are not in chaos but in truth of your evolution. You are all powerful beings, not victims and even if it feels like things are piling up, know that you are more than capable of moving through it to where greater ease awaits. That is the journey there on Earth. There is a time for growth and then a time to integrate that growth. So, move into a state of trust and allowance. Try to stay open for synchronicities, wisdom and blessings sent your way. Have faith that a new moment will appear in front of you and gift another experience to behold. Trust, allow, be present, accept, appreciate, let go and start again. Every breath moves you forward. Keep going, live with gratitude and reach out for us when you feel the need. We are with you always.” in partnership with the Dragon Collective
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We are One.” This is the only statement of truth for you to acknowledge and align to today. No other is as necessary and no other encapsulates all that is needed to know now. You are all struggling with belief systems that are old. They are playing out like a broken record, for you to witness, to feel and then to release. These times you are living in are confusing. You do not see a way out so consequently you look back. This does not mean there is no other reality, perspective, that is available. It just means you are unable to see it from your limited purview. Let it be known, that each and everyone of you is a child of God. As you all move back into union, each one will remember the feeling of divine wholeness. The perfect peace that comes with the acceptance and allowance of ALL. You will finally understand and I say finally, because you have lived in separation for so long that this realization, this coming home cannot be fathomed by your brain/mind. This will be a “whole” experience- within and without. So, it is time to lay down your judgements, your beliefs moored in the past and your perspectives that ignore, exclude and damn another. Let it go and let there be peace.” in partnership with Archangel Michael
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We have come today to embrace humanity in the ever present vibration of unconditional divine love. Through this embrace we show you the necessary derivative known as compassion. Compassion stems out of love, out of the witnessing of another. Allowing them to be as they are and neutrally supporting how they feel by seeing the inherent value of their being and presence. You are not thinking or agreeing. You are merely understanding that their experience is unique, worthwhile and of value, no matter whether it resonates with you or not. Compassion is the feeling that arises when you can understand that even though you have not been met by the same circumstances, your love and support can bring them into a more balanced approach. They then can access their inner, intuitive wisdom where appropriate responses will appear. You are not fixing or even caring for (although that might come after), you are aligning to and empowering their True Self and in so doing allowing for a possible shift within their sphere of experience. Compassion is like a soft cushion given to someone sitting on a hard surface. It makes them comfortable and able to sit longer. Be the comfort and know that that can be enough in their moment of need.” in partnership with Mother Mary