Love brings us into wholeness, back into Oneness with ourselves, each other and Source. Love is allowance, acceptance and it is who we truly are. Love is humble, safe, kind and gentle. It flows and surrounds, supports and nourishes, witnesses and blesses. It shines, sparkles and radiates. Love is our birthright, our divine right. Let’s love ALL back into love.
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We are available, at anytime, to offer our love, support & energies to bring you into a state of wholeness and unconditional love. We are your allies, your friends and we choose to bring you these gifts as a way of empowering your own fields so that you can move more easily into the next level/vibration/dimension. You are seeking this whether your awareness is on it or not. You are all moving & shifting, rising and in some cases dipping but always adapting/changing to the circumstances that are presenting and your experience in it. As you witness this in yourselves you will move more consciously in the direction you desire and we are here to help guide you in a way that allows ease. If you choose to call upon us, you can rest assure that you will be supported with the wisdom & courage available to meet it, experience it, learn from it and shift through it as the masters you are. We strengthen all that is already so. We are your friends and when the time comes that you wish/choose to meet us, we will always be delighted. Thank you for calling on us. We are here for you.” in partnership with the Golden Dragons
It is my joy to offer soul sessions. In this sacred space, we set an intention to be in the vibration of love and to receive any energy, wisdom and messages that are for our highest good. This time of communion will be an opportunity to witness the divine in ourself and each other. For some, this is a new way of being and we will be anchoring it into Gaia through our hearts. The words spoken will be encoded with light and we will both be blessed with their gifts. I surrender to divine will to guide this beautiful process with ease and grace.
The sessions will be around an hour. They probably will run longer. The energy exchange is $100.00, bartering could be fun and if you are unable at this time to manage that, we can make other arrangements.
This website is my heart expression. If you feel in resonance as you experience it, you will “know” if you would enjoy a session with me.
You can either email me at: DM on instagram: sr.inheart Facebook: Sharon Ramesbottom
I will be booking one or two sessions a week. Looking forward to being with you, with love, Sharon
“I know who you are in truth. I know what you are in truth. I know how you serve in truth. You are free. You are free. You are free.” Melchezidek through Paul Selig
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today we have come together, voices raised in unison to invite you to Shamballa.. Shamballa is in a higher vibrational dimension and it is waiting for you to walk through the gates so we can welcome you into its field of Oneness. These can be metaphors if you are finding this hard to imagine. Shambhala can be seen as your heart, the heart of One, where every heart is joined and where the collective meets to discuss the way forward. You can spend time each day within your heart, a brilliant temple filled with Divine light and love. We are waiting there to embrace you each and welcome you back into the garden. The seeds you are planting are being nourished by the whole. We are watering them and watching over them as they grow strong and sturdy. They will support your well-being and you will be able to rely on their healing abilities/powers. Once you can trust in your welfare you can move on to creating more from this strong foundation. We are beside you, walking, working and partnering with you. Understand that as you rise vibrationally, the landscape changes and you will find yourself in places that at first might seem foreign. Over time, a feeling of home will replace this and you will no longer feel like a visitor/stranger but a member of God’s family, the family of One.” in partnership with Archangel Michael
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“As you move through your days meeting all the expectations that you have placed on yourself and all the ones others have placed on you, we would like you to begin to breathe in freedom. This freedom is the entangling of these expectations, of allowing them to let go and fall away and in its place an expansive feeling of freedom/sovereignty will move in. This replaces the downtrodden, the under the thumb, scrutinized feeling and allows/enables a lighter way of being to play out. This feeling, this beingness, will allow you to be more open and aware of what is in front of you. The old perspective would determine worth through judgement- is this worthy of my attention? Will I grace you with a smile? But now, you will move more automatically through divine perspective/eyes, taking the time and attention to notice, acknowledge, appreciate what has been placed in front of you to see/witness with eyes that recognize and remember. This will open up a whole new world and through this freedom, you will move/navigate in a way that will surprise and delight you. There is no thought but a flow and ease of connection and regard. These opportunities will unfold and teach the lessons you are calling in. Beautiful lessons of joy, abundance, well-being, peace so that you can finally stand in the garden, feet planted firmly, heart wide open and eyes emblazoned with love.” in partnership with God