Thank you God

Feeling appreciation moves us into deep gratitude. 

I appreciate…

Gaia, my well-being, loved ones, harmony, a walk in the woods, a delicious meal, heart to heart connections, a summer’s breeze, dancing, laughing, a bear hug, my home, trees, clean water, my authentic expression, your authentic expression, french fries, a hot shower, a deep inhale, our animal friends, fluffy clouds, kindness, Spring, my morning coffee, basking in the warm sun, my body, crystals, writing, letting go, an open heart, knowing our Oneness, my bed, indoor plumbing, a rainbow, honouring my feelings, flowers, Summer, finding the perfect gift, a good book, listening to the rain, mountains, art, my reflection, Winter, the first snowfall, communing with spirit, a northern lake, new experiences, listening, every aspect of myself, friendship, a beautiful view, brilliant stars, birds chirping, lightening, silence, joyfully receiving, generously giving, music, being in flow, surprising myself, trusting, moonlight, a smile, travelling, different landscapes, being present, wisdom shared, having fun, stillness, fireplaces, Fall, being comfortable, creating beauty, learning, abundance, treasure hunting, a helping hand, plants thriving, having faith, feeling loved and appreciated, loving and appreciating, finding the blessing within each opportunity, the sky, feeling warm and cozy, becoming whole, this lifetime, remembering who we truly are and so much more.. I appreciate ALL things as of God. Thank you God! Thank you God! Thank you God!

What do you appreciate?

Our generosity of spirit

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“On this day we pray that all move back into the wholeness of being within your own domain and that of the world. Each of you gets to choose where and when these adjustments/changes of perspective occurs. You all determine the future. It is you that can either shun your family or finally embrace the members that have been cast out, estranged. The ones you would call the black sheep and yet they hold your blood within their veins and they are tied to you through experience and parentage. Once you have understood/decided that everyone is welcome around your table, the celebration can begin. Before, only a few were looked after & nourished and this way of being discounts the generosity of spirit that I have gifted you. The more generous you are the more blessed you become. Giving and receiving is a powerful tool. Understanding this & how the universe/energy works can move you away from scarcity and into the abundance waiting for you. It is all tied together. Generosity not only is defined through your monetary system but through your heart as well. When your heart is open and you generously give your love, kindness, care & compassion, you will see a difference in your relationships on every level- in your families, communities, countries, the world and in your galactic families/neighbours. Once you experience this, there is no turning back, no turning out. You begin to live as you truly are, a gift to yourself and others. You shine bright as you share, learn and grow together.”  in partnership with God

*photo by Gary Butterfield

Go in peace

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“It is time to lay down your weapons of choice whether it is a cutting blade, a shooting gun or a harsh, biting word. They are no longer necessary to keep you safe, to keep others out and to keep the old from releasing. Now, the healing can begin. As you each lay down the old weaponry, your old reactions, thoughts and beliefs- you are lighter and you begin to feel the support that is being ushered in through the energies gifted to you now. As you each open more fully to the truth of who you are, your hearts expand and include your family, welcoming in all the different and beautiful aspects of the whole. You are each so necessary, worthy & divine and your understanding/accepting this as your inheritance allows you to see others compassionately and with the eyes of God. 

To see each one before you in grace and love allows us all to be in full expression, freeing ourselves of the old conditioning that limited and stopped us from moving into our true potential. 

Everyday onwards, you will notice a difference and you will begin to decide the direction your lives will move in. Each moment is there to help guide you into the next and as you begin to trust the process, the great shift moves you in ways that will surprise and delight you. You will be creating and building as you go and you will be led through your intuition, discernment and knowing. Together you will create the Kingdom that you have dreamed of where everyone is cared for, seen and deemed worthy of the riches only God’s Kingdom can gift. So, as you move through your days, go in peace and in the knowledge all is as it should be. You have chosen and you are free.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by priscilla-du-preez

The ride of life

Life is like a Ferris Wheel.  We buy a ticket for the fun of it. As we go around, the landscape changes depending on whether we are high up or low down. If we get stuck, it feels uncomfortable and at the end of the ride, we decide whether we had a good time. Being in enjoyment allows us to take in all the wonder the ride has to offer.  Whether it scares or delights us, it is all for our entertainment. 

Opening our hearts

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s dream is in the opening of our hearts and allowing our family in. Accepting them lovingly, welcoming them, making them comfortable, warm and cozy next to the fire that burns bright within. That is where you stand now, this point/juncture of welcoming in or shutting out. As both the host and the guest, what do you wish to experience and from what perspective? Will you invite, ignore or shame?  You make your choice in each moment. Choose wisely, choose from your heart and see if more invitations are extended that way. Be conscious and aware of your thoughts as they are the energetic doorway to your home. What you are thinking either beckons or repels. Once you are in this awareness, you can allow your many helpers to set up and organize the event that you are hosting or invited to. Allowing yourself to be led through your heart vision is an easier and more grace-full way to experience the many events that you will be attending. So, whether you are a guest or a hostess, appreciate the festivities and enjoy the friendship, kinship that radiates from a gathering of hearts that love one another and support each other in whatever way necessary. Making your guests comfortable and providing nourishment is a blessing.”  in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by LeeAnn Cline