Boundaries fall away
to soft expansion,
becoming fluid.
In a state of allowance…any resistance/rigidity within us fades away. We merge into the Oneness as fluid streams of love, light and receptivity.

bringing more heart into people's lives
Boundaries fall away
to soft expansion,
becoming fluid.
In a state of allowance…any resistance/rigidity within us fades away. We merge into the Oneness as fluid streams of love, light and receptivity.
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today’s message is a kind and considerate thank you to all who are stepping forward to support their family, friends and neighbours during this time of transition. We are transiting from one dimensional foundation to another and although this sounds extraordinary, it is the natural way evolution works. You keep evolving, expanding and becoming. Now what is extraordinary, beyond measure, is that the collective has chosen this path, thereby ensuring that no one is left out/behind. It might not look that way considering the division displayed within your countries and communities but even so, you have all agreed that the whole will lift. I am proud of this accomplishment amidst the unrest and unsureness you are experiencing.
I am supporting you with the love that is streaming through and the light that is pouring/radiating in from every corner of the Universe. You are making news and everyone is taking notice. You are leading the way by opening up your hearts and listening to the messages of faith, love and compassion. Each time you choose a thought that is peaceful over an angry one, we all benefit. Each time you measure your response and frame it in a loving way, we all benefit. And each time you gaze upon someone who you define as a foe and you hold that gaze until your eyes become tolerant, compassionate, we all benefit. Know that in each delicious moment of opportunity, your expression can benefit the whole, can lift us up and light us up. You will see how the world will become the Kingdom through your care and consideration. And so it is.” in partnership with God
*photo by Annie Spratt
You may choose…
to invite every aspect of yourself to unify within your being.
to welcome home each aspect that was cast out, ignored and judged as unworthy.
to receive them in love, unconditional acceptance.
to embrace them within your light as Divine expression that taught and expanded us. Each seen as of God and held compassionately within your heart so that all can be forgiven, healed and released.
to extend this love to all you see before you and to all that is.
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today’s message is about honesty and how you bring more of this rare form of communication into your life. Honesty is the true expression of your heart and soul. It is where you are able to express yourself without the filter of cultural/societal norms. Where you can express your deepest feelings in a way that allows you to free the tethers of right or wrong, good or bad – the judgements of the mind. This is a rarity because occasionally in the past, dire circumstances arose when honesty was spoken. From this, you have learned, as a collective, to limit your expression. But the day has come to step into the light of your full expression and to share more of yourself with others. This ensures that the conversation becomes more authentic and it encourages people to step forward as well, sharing aspects of themselves that they would normally have hidden at other times. This flow of truthful/authentic communication is freedom. Freedom to be who you truly are without filtering your feelings and your expression. The more you practice honesty, the more comfortable you will get with the vulnerability you feel while doing it. And the more vulnerable you become the more other people will come forward showing their vulnerability and sooner than you can imagine – the world becomes an honest and caring place, a soft place to lay your head down at night knowing that you are loved, supported and safe.” in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by Jeremy Yap
Within my heart, I hold the vision of a world in peace, in love, as ONE.
“It will be so. God is. God is. God is.” Melchezidek through Paul Selig
We are free from our history and fear.
We are love, unconditionally accepting everyone and everything as of God.
Our hearts are open, seeing through its lens of compassion, kindness and tolerance.
We are in Divine will, trusting in God’s grace.
We are ONE, choosing the highest good for all, in peace.
Sending you ALL love and light.
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today’s message, dear ONE, is an entirely new way of being. We are here to inform you that today is the day that will change the way to see yourselves. You do not always realize that there are many different ways to move through your existence/ beingness/ experience. You believe that there is one way to see something and that way is usually straight on. But what if we were to tell you that there are hundreds/thousands of perspectives of the same thing. That to experience something usually brings your senses into the equation/focus. The information you receive, in the moment, is calculated through your mind and then like a ticker tape, it is spit out for you to make assumptions and hearsay. This is generally speaking. However, when you are fully aware and awake in the moment, you receive messages and more perspective enhancing help. This can make your experience broaden into an opportunity to learn much more on a bigger scale than the mundane. You have it already within you to broaden, shape, enact, discover and create. This is a new way of being. You are not just the reaction but the creation. You have stopped short the equation and have not finished the formula which is yours to solve. You are a mathematical problem that you get to work with, play with and then eventually solve with your life experiences. Your learning/lessons are the variables and when you add them all up- you end with the answer. And the answer is always expansion infinitum. Today is the beginning of you broadening your perspective to include the idea that you are so much more than you ever truly realized. And that, dear ONE, is a beautiful beginning.” received 12:12 am on Nov. 3, 2020.
*photo by pawal szymanski