
Trust – that in each moment what you see in front of you is there to teach, inspire and expand you. When you are fully present in your experience the opportunity becomes realized and you move into divine receptivity where blessings are exchanged. 

Connecting with Gaia on the Equinox

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today is a holy day. A day where changes/shifts in the seasons occur. As we honour the ebb & flow that is God’s grace we connect with all aspects of ourselves and others. The dark & the light, within & without, doubt & trust, all of these beautiful opposites exists within us. We must meet them, honour them so that we can naturally move into our true inheritance of love. Love encompasses all and nurtures all. No one, nothing is outside this Divine embrace. Throughout your day connect with me and let’s celebrate the change that is occurring, I am here to support you all and I wish to know each and every one of you so that we can partner together. When you consciously connect with me, we move into relationship and that is where the magic happens. As we rise together we are met with so many possibilities and the rebirthing of the new begins. Trust in God, in this process and in yourselves. We are doing it together and I thank you for the care, love and consideration you extend to me and my beautiful animals.” 

—-This is where I ask about the five elements—

“Yes, connect with Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether. Bless them, honour them. Make yourself known so that you can work with them individually. They are great gifts and are waiting patiently to be called on so that they can lend a helping hand.

Earth-  Grounding 

Fire- Igniting

Water- Flowing

Air- Breathing

Ether- Connecting

We are all in great change. We are not doing this alone. We are together, ascending, becoming, in ebb & flow and in love.” in partnership with Mother Earth

*photo by Aaron Burden

These times are most precious.

As we meet our day to day demands we sometimes forget to look up, to understand where we stand at this juncture of our evolution. These times are most precious. Never before have we met ourselves, looked in the mirror, seen what is truly in front of us, acknowledged it and released the old. We are rising, untethered. We have chosen, as a collective, to create a new world. 

  As you move through your day, stop occasionally, take a conscious breath, congratulate yourself and others for being here now.🙏

The Grace of God

The ease of being.

The ease of knowing.

The ease of healing.

The ease of receiving.

The ease of sharing.

The ease of flow.

The ease of creativity.

The ease of abundance.

The ease of connection.

We flow through our days taking each moment as it comes, embracing each lesson with ease and expanding outwards, filling the landscape with indescribable beauty, colour and tone. The love that we are creates worlds where each beautiful soul stands together – a family of One.

Choosing to shine

Each moment,

an opportunity

to witness the Divine

in all things.

No matter whether beauty surrounds

or whether what you see repels,


illumining the presence with your heart.

In harmony

“Dear Loved Ones, Today’s message follows the heart to a place that is free and One with the Almighty God. It is your true inheritance to sit in this moment and realize your beauty and your magnificence as master beings of light. It is this moment that strums the heartstrings and plays the one note that is all that is.

You are like beautiful notes on a piano played alongside each other, an eternal song that is your birthright and creates all that you see before you. As you bear witness to your world, you send out a response, a melody either in resonance or in dissonance. When you are in harmony the landscape before you adjusts to the outpicturing you are sending it through your notes/ tone. When you are in a high octave, you see the beauty of your creations, when you are in the lower octaves, you see what that creates and then you get to experience your creations. One is not better than the other, it is all opportunity to grow, expand and learn. As you move up the piano and learn to play in the higher octaves you will notice a difference in how you feel and this not only changes your perspective but also changes how others feel and see you. You become the example and you become the change. As each one lifts, the world plays alongside you and harmony is created and experienced. So, as you move through your days, notice what note you are playing and broadcasting and if you desire to shift to a higher octave, allow your True Self to play the note for you. Surrender and sing the song you are through your heart. Your hearts will come together in harmony and with each passing day the song/note of God will ring out louder and louder.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Joshua Hoehne