You are free

Sit comfortably, barefoot and with your back erect. Place the palms of your hands face down and resting on your legs. As you take your first long, deep inhale, imagine a bird in flight. With each breath you become that bird, feeling what it is like to surf the updrafts and to soar. You are Free.

  As you continue breathing in and out, you consciously open yourself up to integrate the energies that are being gifted to us and you feel yourself expanding. The feeling of flying and the expansion of your energy field will help allow you to be in less resistance and receive Divine Source light more fully. You get a glimpse of what it is like to be in a less dense body and to be free of constraint. You are free. You are expansive. 

You are Ascending in Oneness, unencumbered, in the Now.

It is time

I am only now starting to understand what this means. At 62 years old, I am embracing all the many aspects of myself that come together to form my beingness. These include characteristics that in the past I would push away, berate and bemoan.  

As I sit in this perfect now moment, I allow myself to be as I am. That means there is no background chatter. No lists of shoulds and comments that create imbalance or unease. Instead I breathe. I breathe in love for myself. I know I am deserving of this because I AM and not because of anything I do. And then I imagine the feeling I want to experience. I breathe it through my heart and radiate it throughout my body. Excitement, abundance, joy, peace….such a beautiful game of creation to play with. It all begins with SELF-LOVE.

Mother Earth 2020

This message came through me and I offer it to you with love.

“This message comes from my heart as I welcome the new energies of 2020 with all of you. I am grateful for the upgrades & downloads that have been shared with us.  I appreciate all the help that has come in from all over the galaxy and I am finding it easier to integrate them now then ever before. We are all in this together, dear children, and I am so excited to keep evolving at the rate we have been doing and even accelerating as the year progresses. We are going to see massive changes, not only on the surface but from below and above. Everything is shifting and evolving, expanding and lifting. So, each day will bring new developments and new opportunities with them. Stay prepared in your knowingness. You are enormously helped, supported and guided. You are not doing this alone. Attract to you the magic & wonder that abounds and keep your eyes open to the beauty that is always available as long as you are looking for it. Everyday is an opportunity to be in relationship with me and I am so pleased when you acknowledge my gifts to you. We are lifting as One and as we do so we will all heal and shine bright. I love you. “ Mother Gaia

Growth, opportunities and love

This message came through me and I offer it from my heart to yours with love.

“Dear Ones, this is Yeshua and I welcome you into a new year of major growth, opportunities and love. This year will be helping to bring you into your true essence. To allow the divinity within each one to guide and lead you to your new lives. That part of you that knows who you truly are will become louder, more present until soon you will “be” all that you are. When that time comes, you will finally understand the depth of your existence, not only in this lifetime but your many lifetimes. So, know that when you become who you truly are, all will become clearer as your path forward will unfold in Divine timing and with all the support you need. Trust in us, trust in God and trust in your Higher Self. We are all working together in perfect harmony. Be at peace within and allow your life to be in ease & grace. As you step into your mastery each one will bring their special gifts and abilities to the whole. Celebrate each one and embrace your differences- that will be what creates the most magical experiences. Be open to everything that presents and welcome in the new. Let go of the old conditioning and your old stories & history and start a new chapter. Let this one be written with love, kindness and compassion woven throughout. And as each page turns, let the story unfold with God’s grace. You are all infinitely loved.” Yeshua

What are you feeling?

Everything begins with a feeling. As you become more aware of your inner landscape and you learn to navigate all the different waves of emotions, you become the master of your life. Once you acknowledge, honour and release the feelings that do not serve you, you are free to move into the next moment, unencumbered, choosing the feeling you wish to express. This is how you create your experiences. It starts with unconditionally accepting yourself and offering compassionate care to every aspect of your being that needs soothing and attention. Aligning with your heart’s intuitive wisdom and allowing it to lead, opens you up to the magic and wonder waiting for you. 

Happy New Year

As we move into the energies of 2020…

May we fully embrace our true authentic expressions.

May we step into our power & mastery with humility and grace trusting divine unfoldment. 

May we stay present in each perfect moment aligned with our hearts and choose love above all else. 

May we feel grateful, forever blessed and at peace within ourselves & with each other. 

And may we come together as One with kindness and compassion.

Oh my! I almost forgot…may we all have FUN!