I am in God, of God and with God.
I witness the Divine in ALL.
I align to peace, love, compassion and tolerance.
My heart is open and my thoughts, gentle.
I hold a vision of unity and pray for the highest good of all. 🙏
“I know who you are in truth.
I know what you are in truth.
I know how you serve in truth.
You are free. You are free. You are free.”
Melchizedek through Paul Selig
I offer this message from my heart to your with love.
“Sit in my energy. Drink it in and know that all that was is no longer. Release the pain, the shame, the regret and any other aspect/feeling keeping you separate from your true expression/experience. Allow the knowledge that the now moment, the one you are currently sitting in, is for your highest good. It is this presence that will serve you best. Not the old stories that you use to guide you but new creations of new realities that are here to serve you. These will play out in ways that allow you to manifest the opportunities you wish to experience. Once you release “the old ways of doing/seeing things” you can live anew. With me as your guide today, I will help sift through your “mind files” and delete the ones that are outdated/outmoded. Sit awhile, relax and allow yourself to let go of the old so that the new can be seen.” in partnership with the Moon
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Connect with me, my child. Come into my core, my heart, I will hold you there, protected and comforted. You have come to me, invited, appreciated and loved. You dwell on me as a guest and you feed from my blessings- gifts from my heart and all hearts that are connected to me. Enjoy your time here. It is meant to be a playground, a garden to frolic, to experience and to be joyful. The joy is through your life adventure. You created this tale before coming. You mapped out your journey in great detail so you could learn what was needed/wanted. You picked all that surrounds you now. Enjoying it means allowing “all of it” to be seen, felt and learned through. All of it supports your growth in so many ways. So today, allow what will be, tomorrow will come and you will be off on another adventure. Each day is precious and its’ own. Enjoy your life with me, for the time will come when you too will move on. Allow what is to support you and trust it is making you into more of who you truly are.” in partnership with Gaia
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We flow through and by. We are constantly bringing wisdom and healing necessary to Earth, the world and to humanity. As an element we connect to Source as the means to which we serve. Source relays knowledge/wisdom required and we transfer it through rainfall, our waterways and drinking. When you have contact with water, we then have the opportunity to heal and nourish. That is why a bath, a swim in a lake or a glass of water can alter the way you feel. We are conduits and when you connect with us, you can improve/enhance your connection to Gaia and Source. Take extra care, be more aware and take the time necessary to bring the energy of water to you. You will benefit. As the world heals, water will be a focal point. What was once arid will become fertile. Drinking water, pure water will be offered to all. There will be a natural balance and that will bring an end to fires and floods. Let yourself drink us in, whether from a shower, a lake or a glass of water and receive our blessings. It is our gift, Source’s gift to all.” in partnership with Water
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“You sit before us in a state of grace. This ease that surrounds you is yours to accept. The ease of being, in receptivity, calls/ brings and allows grace to show up wherever it is needed. When it gifts you blessings, you must witness them and pick them up. Accept them with gratitude. Don’t just look and not touch. Grab ahold with gusto, with joy and know that you are deserving. How you receive is as important as receiving. If you are tentative, if you are unsure of your capacity and ability, the Universe will respond and start limiting a little inorder to offset your timidity. We want you to receive and gobble down, not with avarice and greed but with an appetite. You say to the Universe…”Yes, please and second helpings please. This was delicious and I want some more.” Allow the Universe, grace, to know when enough is enough. Your job is to feed, to acknowledge the incredible meal and its nutrition. Stop limiting yourself and start trusting in your capacity and ability to ingest and digest all that is on your plate. Enjoy it ALL!” in partnership with Yeshua
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We bring energies meant to enlighten, enrich and engage all that it meets. As it passes through, allow it to lift and inspire you. These energies, flows of divine consciousness, pass along remnants of memories long forgotten. Whispered wisdoms of lives lived and messages of love that was once experienced/expressed. They are collective memories held within the hearts and souls of humankind. As you sit, receiving this gift, know/allow what was, to be. This eternal moment engages all of your senses in all time. Expanding and becoming more is what you are all doing now. You will know intuitively and instinctively what your next steps will be. You will be guided, whole and united, towards the place/level that is meant for you. This is not a thinking process but one of allowance. As you all move into a place of receptivity, the highest good will be met with opportunities/circumstances that become available in divine timing. It will appear when you are ready/readied. Allow. Allow. Allow.” in partnership with Archangel Metatron