I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“On this day we come together with the intention of bringing our highest vibration to the collective. Allow yourself the time to sit in the day’s energies, integrate and allow them to braid through your systems so that they can help uplift and support you. We are sending you many messages within these energies so that you will be able to maintain the frequencies that you lift to. Have no fear that you will be left out or unable to receive, it is not possible since they are given to the whole and accepted by the whole. When we notice you dipping lower in your vibrations, we turn it up a notch and this aids in your well-being and in your overall ability to cope and manage any stressors you are dealing with. This is what role we are taking and we are delighted in seeing the way you are able to welcome these energies in. This has not always been the case but now you are working alongside us to improve the conditions in which you are all living in. So today, if you could take a moment and sit with the intention of joining us, as One, in harmony & peace, we would appreciate it. Let yourself have the time to connect with your brothers and sisters. Even if you cannot see them, they are there always available and always willing to come together. All you need do is ask. We will join you and together we will bring in the age of Aquarius.” in partnership with Yeshua