I offer this message from my heart to your with love.
“Today’s message conveys a brilliance that allows celestial and galactic light to move through, enter in and then ground firmly into Mother Earth. This brilliant light attracts all the different aspects of “you” that may be floating about waiting to arrive home. This homecoming is to be celebrated for you have worked tirelessly to ready your vessel to receive them with the love & attention necessary. Inviting in these bits and pieces will finally bring you back into wholeness and into Grace. So, in the following weeks allow yourself a little alone time, sitting in silence and welcoming yourself back into this wholeness of “being”. Know that there is nothing to do but receive, accept, allow and honour who you are in completeness. It is like finishing a puzzle that has taken a very long time and you are finally seeing the last pieces move into place. You are the masterpiece that is whole/complete and the picture that is now in front of you reflects every aspect of you. When the time comes to disassemble the puzzle, you will know that it has all of its pieces. This is a great blessing since you have been walking around for many lifetimes with pieces missing, hidden from sight and not invited back. But now, you are the masterpiece and you can live knowing that you have accepted ALL of you, every aspect worthy and loved.” in partnership with Buddha
*photo by Sigmund