Happy Solstice

Let’s celebrate 
eternal light
and bask in warmth 
upon this site.
Raise our hearts 
to face the sun.
Ignite our sparks 
and join as One.
Stand together 
in brilliant rays,
in brightness 
of a brand new day.
A change of season
sings a song
and we are here
to sing along.

Coming together in care and compassion

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today we have come to instil in you the understanding that you are not alone. From a very young age you are seen and believe yourself to be, separate from your sisters and brothers. Your experience of being “apart” defines your life, for you do not always see your responsibility in the welfare/well-being of another. You are shown and told the importance of looking after yourself. You reward independence and hold it up as a way to fulfil the adult portion of your life. We now come to ask you, what does independence mean to you? If it means to be responsible for yourself, then we would like to ask you to extend that definition to include your family. The family of humanity that covers the Earth. Independence is a form of freedom and this freedom enables you to reach out and help support others in ways that can be both big and small. To be independent of rules and restrictions, to follow your heart and to extend your blessings outward is a true gift. It is not only yourself that requires care in a responsible way but all members of your human family. You are not separate and when you realize this, you will naturally move back into an understanding that what is beneficial for you can be applied to all others. Be the example of kindness & compassion and allow yourself the experience of fellowship, camaraderie, companionship and connection. Come together, do not stand alone.” in partnership with Yeshua

As you come together, show the love you are, by being and receiving the love that is. 

*photo by Zac Durant

My experience

A few years back, a former manager phoned me. She wanted to know if I would come work for her. I gently declined.  We then spent some time catching up. After our chat, she said bluntly…”Why Sharon, you are just a loser.” With some reflection and a little chuckle, my response was…”That’s funny, I don’t feel like a loser. I have a beautiful family. I am doing what I want. I am able to be creative and I am happy.” 

Every so often, I think back to that conversation. At the time, I realized she was looking at my life through her filter of success. She did not value my circumstances and she projected that judgement of failure onto me. But I did not align or accept it. I knew that I was living a life I both appreciated and was grateful for. 

Today, I wish to share this experience, to remind you that you have a choice. You can listen to people who tell you things that have nothing to do with you. You can accept their beliefs and feel bad about yourself. Or you can choose to thank them for giving you the opportunity to commit to your authentic expression. The more opportunities you have to keep choosing yourself, the more empowered you become until one day you no longer need reminding. Because you know…you are enough, you are worthy and you are perfect just the way you are. 

The illusion of time

Let go of time,
the daily strife.
Without a clock 
to guide your life, 
eternal moment 
holds your hand,
keeps you present 
where you stand.
The frantic rushing 
through your day
calms down 
to stillness
straight away. 
In front of you,
experience awaits,
at your gate.

When you allow 
your heart to lead,
each beat a refuge, 
a loving retreat,
the joy of being
imbues the scene
with brilliant colours 
and mood serene.
Shades of grace
fill in the blanks,
countless blessings
and heartfelt thanks.
Source, Creator,
there with you,
let go of time,
it is NOW 
that’s true.

*photo by mana5280

Coming together in peace and in love, as One.

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We come today to shine bright on all that is unfolding on Earth at this time. The message we have is one of faith and trust. With them you create countless possibilities and move forward in grace and with ease. Although you may not always see the positive in every opportunity/ circumstance, it is there. This is where faith and trust come into play. When your faculties cannot make sense, we suggest you make choices dedicated/aligned to the experience you wish to have in your lifetime. Do you wish conflict or peace? Anger or love? Scarcity or abundance? The choices you make daily, reverberate through the collective field and create possibilities that are then mirrored back to you on the world stage. Every time you find a peaceful solution rather than choosing anger and mayhem, you show how reality can play out. You are the example and if peace can be woven through your life experience, how are the chances it can be seen on a larger scale? Choose with your heart. Lead with your heart. And the world will find more loving solutions possible. Let us create a new story where the people of every country come together in peace and in love, as One.” in partnership with Mother Mary

They have a right to be, as do you

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“You are expecting things/feelings to be a certain way in order to make sense of it. But everything changes, transforms, lifts or drops, nothing stays the same, no one stays the same. You are looking to understand yourself and where you stand with these significant people in your life. And you think if you figure it out- you have solved the puzzle of you. The tangle of emotions and thoughts will magically unravel and behold- you will see the truth. But the truth of what? If you can stop trying to understand and be whatever you are in the moment, allowing yourself, accepting yourself without resistance, then you will move to the next, choosing anew from a perspective that has been shaped but not decided upon. You can let go of the feeling you had and allow yourself a new experience and different expression. You then are responsive and not reactive. Stop trying to understand. Truly allow and be in full receipt. From there you are to choose which direction/ feeling/thought/action you want to express.    Love is in witness to, in allowance and acceptance of…they have a right to be, as do you.“ in partnership with God

*photo by Domingo Alvarez E