Coming together in peace and in love, as One.

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We come today to shine bright on all that is unfolding on Earth at this time. The message we have is one of faith and trust. With them you create countless possibilities and move forward in grace and with ease. Although you may not always see the positive in every opportunity/ circumstance, it is there. This is where faith and trust come into play. When your faculties cannot make sense, we suggest you make choices dedicated/aligned to the experience you wish to have in your lifetime. Do you wish conflict or peace? Anger or love? Scarcity or abundance? The choices you make daily, reverberate through the collective field and create possibilities that are then mirrored back to you on the world stage. Every time you find a peaceful solution rather than choosing anger and mayhem, you show how reality can play out. You are the example and if peace can be woven through your life experience, how are the chances it can be seen on a larger scale? Choose with your heart. Lead with your heart. And the world will find more loving solutions possible. Let us create a new story where the people of every country come together in peace and in love, as One.” in partnership with Mother Mary

They have a right to be, as do you

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“You are expecting things/feelings to be a certain way in order to make sense of it. But everything changes, transforms, lifts or drops, nothing stays the same, no one stays the same. You are looking to understand yourself and where you stand with these significant people in your life. And you think if you figure it out- you have solved the puzzle of you. The tangle of emotions and thoughts will magically unravel and behold- you will see the truth. But the truth of what? If you can stop trying to understand and be whatever you are in the moment, allowing yourself, accepting yourself without resistance, then you will move to the next, choosing anew from a perspective that has been shaped but not decided upon. You can let go of the feeling you had and allow yourself a new experience and different expression. You then are responsive and not reactive. Stop trying to understand. Truly allow and be in full receipt. From there you are to choose which direction/ feeling/thought/action you want to express.    Love is in witness to, in allowance and acceptance of…they have a right to be, as do you.“ in partnership with God

*photo by Domingo Alvarez E

Unknown waters

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“On this day there is a particular energy/vibration that is easy to access if you bring your minds and hearts to it. It will be present for you, a gift to receive so that your systems may calm, your disposition brighten and your feelings assured. You may very well be drifting now, a little unmoored. We have created a flow, a current that is bringing you along at your pace, sweeping you forward. As you feel this unmooring, your systems try to navigate, take control in order to chart your course but there is no place to go that you are aware of. These are unknown waters and the course is on autopilot. All you need do is let go and trust that where you are going is to a place, a shore, that is in benefit to the collective. You can enjoy the ride and watch the view. As it passes by, understand that it is all temporary and try not to get attached to what you see and hear. Allow your surroundings to adapt, shift, change or stay the same. No matter where you are and what you see, I am there. Trust that each moment is working with, in conjunction to, the whole now. You get to see your view and sometimes beyond but the whole perspective/picture is not yet complete. Try not to make assumptions and live your life as if each moment is precious.” in partnership with God

*photo by Sergi Marlo

Dining out on life

Along with this message came a vision of a child eating chocolate cake with their fingers, joyfully stuffing it into their mouth. The delight of the senses, the fun of the experience everything focused on the moment…the feeling of dining out on life.

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“To be- what does that truly mean? To be wholly there (here), involved, within the eternal moment  is to bring your entire awareness, consciousness to what/who is before you. To allow all information through your senses, energies through your body systems and messages/wisdom/truth through your heart & consciousness to be accepted, received, integrated and understood. This presence of being is the gift of your life. For it is through this great gift that you experience all. All the opportunities/lessons/joy for which you sought, for which you chose and for which you came into this incarnation for. When you are not struggling with your mind, small self and fear- you move into the ease of being present in the moment. You are in experience and everything comes together. All the support, guidance, perceptions, grace, all there, waiting for you and your awareness of. You move into conscious alignment to your highest expression and divine will. This presence, this being who and what you are leads you towards the next moment. The way you show up determines the choices available to you in that moment. You are creating each new moment by “being” in it.“ in partnership with God

Grace and Prudence

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today we bring to you the very necessary energies of grace and prudence. These two energies might not seem to go together but they do at the level of vibration you are experiencing. These two energies feed you incrementally, in small doses. Instead of a mountain, you are being given pebbles in which a mountain is built. You are then able to understand, grasp the blessing (pebble), integrate it and lift a little higher from it. As each pebble is added, you stand higher until one day soon, you are standing on a mountain top. Many of you want to be on the highest peak immediately. You are craving the pure air, the view and the feeling one gets by being high up, free. But first, you must acclimate, get comfortable and become part of each new level you reach so that when you get to the top, you are ready to fly. And fly, you will. So, be patient with your growth, your personal journey. Allow the pebbles of grace to come and add them to your pile. Understand that no matter where you stand and at what height, you are in perfect alignment with divine will and your highest good. Appreciate your view and celebrate each pebble.” in partnership with Mother Mary

*photo by Paul Tinsley

Heaven on Earth

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“I am always here. You reside on me and you are a part of me. We may not be separate, it is not possible. We are in relation to, in relationship. What I do affects you and what you do affects me. As we rise together, we move into a dance of sorts, a rhythm that supports each other. It is effortless and yet wholly conscious. As your awareness expands, your choices will become more conscientious, more supportive to the overall well-being of everything and everyone. It is a natural state of being, in balance and in tone. You move into harmony and this harmony is woven through everything, every experience. As you live in this new state, we begin to create heaven on Earth. The manifestation is a joyous enterprise. Not one of profit but one that supports the higher good including your home. We all benefit tremendously through this change of focus from individual gain and comfort to group appreciation for the natural world, preserving rather than procuring. As you grow in stature, not physically but energetically, you will notice the differences in your choices, your desires, how you wish to live. And you will create with me, a world that is ready to bloom, to become ALL that it truly is. I am ready, as are you. “ in partnership with Gaia