Braiding together,
becoming whole,
matter and spirit
integrating soul.
Divine energy
anchoring to Earth,
a beautiful home
for our rebirth.
Allowing breath
to quiet the mind,
the heart awakens
and there we find
the wisdom within
that guides so well.
Listening intently,
we foretell
the grace and ease
that will appease
our resistance and doubt.
Feeling alone
and mainly without
dissolves with trust
which is about
to the God
Our True Self claims
our sovereignty,
ego retreats
and faith deletes
the old programs
that kept us all
small and weak
and incomplete.
Our vibration rising
to the octave above,
we come together in
peace and love.
We sing our songs
in harmony,
Source with humanity.
Life is a gift
to ascend and lift
into the unknown,
where ALL will be,
whole and free.
Aspects of God,
that’s what we are,
light, colour,
tone and star.