Today and in all days, I sit in peace, in love and in joy. I offer this to myself first with gentle forgiveness. I forgive what I have created and have experienced in fear knowing that all is opportunity. I am grateful for the lessons and choose to move beyond the illusion of separation. I see the world before me, witnessing the divine in all, the beauty in you and on Earth. During the intensive livestream “ The Truth of Being” (Melchizedek through Paul Selig) a question was asked about the energies around the eclipse on April 8. This is what the Guides said… “Be very careful what you ask for. You will manifest more quickly. But the schism between the dark side and the light side might be amplified so that the creations that you make at a time of great change have greater impact. This is not a warning. It is about being responsible to what you wish and what you put your attentions on. Those of you who seek or demand outcomes born in fear and violence will be choosing very poorly now. Those of you who are lifting to a level of peace that you wish to share with others will serve everyone through the simple choice to know the world in peace.” “Behold, I make all things new. It will be so. God Is. God Is. God Is.”*photo by Mark Divier