I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“We are One.” This is the only statement of truth for you to acknowledge and align to today. No other is as necessary and no other encapsulates all that is needed to know now. You are all struggling with belief systems that are old. They are playing out like a broken record, for you to witness, to feel and then to release. These times you are living in are confusing. You do not see a way out so consequently you look back. This does not mean there is no other reality, perspective, that is available. It just means you are unable to see it from your limited purview. Let it be known, that each and everyone of you is a child of God. As you all move back into union, each one will remember the feeling of divine wholeness. The perfect peace that comes with the acceptance and allowance of ALL. You will finally understand and I say finally, because you have lived in separation for so long that this realization, this coming home cannot be fathomed by your brain/mind. This will be a “whole” experience- within and without. So, it is time to lay down your judgements, your beliefs moored in the past and your perspectives that ignore, exclude and damn another. Let it go and let there be peace.” in partnership with Archangel Michael