Journey to Wholeness

My poems are heart whisperings. They are my true expression. I am blessed by them and my heart’s desire is that you, in turn, are blessed as well.

Inside Out

no thing
of self.

wise one,
to a landscape,
so varied,
so wondrous,
waiting just
for you.

your heart
to feelings
the way.

and valleys.
Soar over
open spaces.
hidden gardens
of roses
and thorns.

Dig deep,
brave one.
With love
as your
past remnants,
but not

soul’s maze,
lost aspects
around each


in God’s
Sit by
still water,
upon your
the truth,
the ALL
of you
and know,
you are home,
Divine one.
You are home.

Channeled wisdom

I asked for a message that encourages us to commune, connect and channel any wisdom/energies that are for the highest good of all. I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We join with you today by you reaching out and wanting to connect. We come always in love and we are grateful for your time and desire for communion. When you reach for us, our ability to connect is greater. You have made a conscious effort and in so doing, the lines of communication are stronger, more efficient and allows the energies to stream to and through better. Know that when you sit, pick up a pen to paper and ask Archangel Gabriel to guide your words, you are opening a portal for us to enter. You are allowing wisdom to flow in and then you can commune with not only our words but our energies. Through your still mind, open heart and care of connection, we meet as One. Know that this is available to all who wish to connect and commune. Call upon us and understand that the messages/energies coming through should always be loving, kind, supportive and for the highest good of all. We do indeed partner with you as you are the conduit, the grand receiver of what we have to gift/bless you with. Thank you. You are loved. You are all loved.” 

   It took a long time to trust and not doubt.  I continue to struggle with silencing a mind that tells me what I am writing does not make sense. Over the years, I have received a couple of messages that did not resonate. Discernment is an important requirement for channeling. All messages from higher beings are loving, inclusive and do not pander to your ego. My messages flow through in five to seven minutes.    This is my experience. Everyone is different.  There are many intuitives that teach channeling: ie: Shelley Young, Daniel Scranton and Lee Harris. *photo by Janet Kahanek

Play with your reality

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We come today to play. We play in energies that support the highest good and we wish to engage and explore all the playgrounds, areas of interest that are so bountiful there on Earth. Within yourselves and your life, there is so much that is waiting to be discovered and explored above your usual preliminary acknowledgment. Your internal playgrounds need to be found and time must be spent in order to fully enjoy the sights, sounds, lights etc., that only come into existence through the experience of “being” there. Staying inside the area that you are exploring without moving on to something new that has caught your attention. When you explore with all your senses, you get to see the depth, the many levels that are waiting to be experienced and possibly seen anew. This allows you to envision what you have once done with fresh eyes. When you are open “to play”, you create a whole new world within the realm of past feelings, perspectives, ideas, beliefs and assumptions. You can play with your reality and create a new one. With your imagination, all things can be re-seen. Relationships, circumstances, memories of things past, re-shaped into another way to experience. This “play”, for it is indeed joyful, changes/alters your inner world where you can heal, let go and birth a new way of being. Enjoy all the many aspects/facets of this truly wonderful opportunity to re-know yourself and others and create a  world that allows you to live as joyfully, abundantly and lovingly as you wish. Play, play and play some more.” in partnership with Archangel Gabrielle

Happy Love Day!

To all the beautiful hearts who love, care, nurture and support the hearts around them…May you know how grateful we are for you!  Sending love, appreciation and a big hug.

*photo by Annie Spratt


It is time.
It is time to believe in myself, trust myself, embrace myself.
It is time to be powerful, masterful, loving and BRIGHT-
I can do this humbly, gently, kindly and thoughtfully.
It is time to completely surrender and allow. 
To truly allow God to lead me. 
It is time to listen, to receive and to dream.
It is time to co-create. To step into the new-BOLDLY.
It is time to have fun, to shrug off all burden 
and to live with ease, grace and well-being.
It is time to let wonder and magic play in my life. 
It is time to open up to the possibilities, blessings and gifts 
that are present, available and waiting for me to say yes…

Are you ready? 
Can you feel it?

Is it time?

Our wish for humankind

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We have come today to bear witness to the growth and expansion occurring at this time. As we do so, we are able to move into resonance with humankind and the All That Is. This resonance/coherence allows us to feel and understand the underlying aspects of your day-to-day circumstances you are learning from. These aspects albeit different depending on your vibrational level, determines the results of your choices. These results/end product of your choices then leads you on a trajectory that we call a timeline. Each individual creates  personal and collective timelines. And within each moment, altering them both at any given time. You are choosing in every moment and this free will is a great blessing and a great responsibility. Sometimes through naivety and ignorance, you create timelines that are not for yours or anyone’s highest good. We ask you today, to be more aware, more cognizant of the many choices you make through your actions, thoughts and words. We are asking you to expand your perspective and see your lives as intertwined. How your choices affects others. How your harsh words, judgemental thoughts and rash actions cause a ripple effect, like a pebble thrown in a pond. We are asking you to take a little extra time before you react, write or say something that may harm another. This is our request and our wish for humankind. That you extend your hands in helping ways and that your peaceful thoughts and kind words will be your way forward.” in partnership with the Dragon Collective 

*photo by Klara Kulikova