Heart and Mind

Memories stinging,
thoughts that attack,
stories remembered
that bring you back,
to see once was
with shaded eyes,
deceptive words
may tell you lies.

Mind’s narration,
a tale of old,
you are the victim 
as the story unfolds.
Lines are blurred,
reality unclear,
piecing a tale
you wish to hear.
The loop plays out,
feelings collide,
temper flares 
and then subsides.

For your thoughts 
to rearrange,
the storyteller 
needs to change.
Your heart allows 
a higher view,
a gentler way
to see anew.

Feeling good 
is not the goal,
growth and expansion,
being part of the whole.
Perspective shifts
in present time
helps your mind 
to pause and rewind.
As your heart
becomes engaged,
it quiets the voice 
that is enraged.

Stuck in a story 
that’s not yours to tell, 
a plot running through it
you don’t know as well.
Heart and mind,
together will find
the wisdom and truth 
that is there to mine.
A nugget of gold
to be cherished 
and told.

Before your birth
you had agreed
to be an actor 
for your soul family.
Hero or villain,
jester or sage,
you show up
upon their page.
Every story 
must come 
to an end
just to allow
a beginning again.

An outstretched hand

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We, the Arcturians, come today to bring greetings and to acknowledge the peace & harmony that is being birthed at this time. You are now allowing frequencies to be attained that have not been otherwise. You are all stretching yourselves to reach higher and we wish to offer our assistance in any way possible. We are here to help bring about the world you are choosing/you have chosen. This world is coming about through the attention you are placing outside of your lives and onto a bigger landscape that benefits/includes others, both in humanity and in animals. Mother Earth is benefitting equally through this loving attention and as more of you soften and open to the kindness that is within you, everything transforms. As it transforms, your lives will become easier and the attention you place on your troubles shift to finding the solutions that will rectify the problems plaguing your lands and people. These will come in time, divine time, and it will be where you all can finally leap into the vibration of 5D. Both accessible and supportive, you then will move effortlessly towards the future of your homeland and reap the rewards your long and sometimes arduous journey has brought to you. We wish you to know that we are your partners if you choose and we offer you an outstretched hand in peace, in harmony and in love.”   in partnership with The Arcturians

*photo by Jeff Golenski

Choosing to see with love

Is your world 
a frightening place
or is it filled
with loving grace?

Do you rage
with voices raised
or do you find
the one to praise?

Do you judge 
what’s right and wrong
or do you accept
each expression 

Do you react 
when triggers felt
or do you breathe
to let it out?

Do you shield 
against the pain
or do you open
to wisdom gained?

Do you live
inside your mind
or do you allow
a heart that’s kind?

Do you want 
to live in strife
or do you want 
a peaceful life?

These are choices 
you make each day,
do you want to 
struggle or play?

You can choose
to lower or lift.
You can choose 
to take or gift.
You can choose
the octave above. 
You can choose 
to see with love.

How may I be love?

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Love is the last place that rests within your systems. It is a place of kind neutrality, of witnessing and acknowledging the immense divine beauty that is before you. When you are able to access this oasis of feeling within your heart, you are then able to offer a flow of complete acceptance and allowance. This creates a field of pure potentiality. A limitless expanse where all that is in the field moves into vibratory accord with this divine essence that flows, surrounds and uplifts all matter it touches. Love heals, expands, nurtures and once given, reverberates outward so that all may be graced by this gift. Love does indeed conquer all, not by vanquishing but by transmuting and transforming. Love is precious and yet it is easy to access for it is your true way of being. It is not there to please or to fix. It is not given & received as a helpful solution but in its stead, it transfixes the one before you in a magical way. As you reflect to them love, they in turn behold their brilliance, receiving it in a way that enables them to celebrate their perfection through your eyes. Love enhances, embraces, soothes and commends their mere presence. It is enough to just “be”.” in partnership with God

*photo by Joice Kelly

Empowered presence

Past disappointments,
feeling let down,
expectations unmet,
face in a frown.
Life seen as struggle
make plans fall apart.
You question your choices
until you start 
to hear the voice 
within your heart 
that says to you,
“you know what to do”.

this wisdom, 
it bubbles up.
Words of grace
that help you face
you deemed as wrong.
As you listen, 
intuition strong,
the fear subsides,
you move along.

Sadness felt
quickly dissolves.
Empowered thought 
brings your resolve.
are cast aside, 
taken in stride.
You become 
the one you seek,
no longer small 
or seen as weak.
Healing happens, 
you are complete.

Happy, free
and in your knowing,
you start to see,
your worth is not a novelty 
but yours to embrace joyfully.

The love within 
is reflected out.
Relationships grow
like seeds that sprout.
Learning and laughing,
the day is fun,
opportunities happen,
the game is won/one.
Life is a playground,
your family is there,
in the field of potential, 
true expressions are shared.

The Blue Dragons of Pleiades

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

I am just starting to build and explore my relationship with the Dragons. It is both foreign and familiar to me. If you would like to learn more about them, I would recommend Diana Cooper’s book “Dragons…Your Celestial Guardians”

“We come to you today to welcome all who wish to work/be with us in this new era that is upon us. We wish to introduce ourselves to you. If you desire, you can call on us for the wisdom we hold, the healing we gift and the love we share. We are always available to you. All that is required is for you to invite us in. It is an easy request that will allow us to send you messages and surround you in our blue healing light. We will arrive willing to aid in whatever you are encountering and we will never usurp your power or request anything more of you. We are available whenever you are willing to engage. 
 The Dragons have been around a very long time and our relationship with humanity moves in and out of flow depending on whether there is an open communication channel. Although we have been here, you have not always been able to access us but it has gotten easier and we have been able to reinstate an open line of communication with you. We are pleased with this and hope that we will get to know you better as times permit/progress. More and more of you will naturally find us through your own remembrance of past lives where we have been in contact with each other. May you seek the help available, knowing that we are here and wish to be of service. Thank you for your attention.” in partnership with The Blue Dragons of Pleiades

*photo by Magdalena Smolnicka