I offer this to you from my heart to yours with love.
“Today there is a reason to celebrate. Some may scoff at these words while looking around and denying the beauty that always surrounds them. Look around, dear Ones, what do you see? Do you have comfort? Do you have enough food? Are you able to sleep at night in a comfortable bed? These are the things to celebrate if they are within your experience. These basic needs determine so much of your happiness but they are forgotten, overtaken by thoughts of lack, not enoughness and the desire for more. There is nothing wrong with wanting “more” but it is gratitude for the small blessings that build momentum for the wave of energy that brings to you the many blessings you are calling in. This day that you sit in, is where your focus needs to be. It is at this time that the opportunity is given to pry from you all those feelings of not enough and allow you to celebrate all that you do have. Use all of your tools to maneuver through these times- music, art, literature, etc…all of your gifts.
You will blossom during this time and as you unfurl, you will become ready to meet me. I am waiting to welcome you home.” in partnership with God