I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“This message is dedicated to all those who have ever felt they’ve lost their way. To these supposedly lost souls, those judged and discarded, forgotten or disgraced- please “Stand Tall”. Know that your journey was your own to explore whatever/wherever you chose. There was never a right way to be or a right place to go. You are always exactly where you are meant to be, always present in the experience, in the expression that you are choosing to be in. Allow yourself to let go of the defining qualities others have placed on you. Step out of the box, the limited perspective you placed yourself in. Allow yourself to breathe and to know that with each breath you are enough, as you are, where you are. You are worthy of Being. You are capable of so much more than the limited format you have been following and instead open yourself to the possibility of “other”. Other ways to explore, other ways to express and other ways to choose. Know that no matter where you are, you are loved, supported and gifted with opportunities that will ultimately guide you to a higher purview/place/ experience. You are always surrounded and if you allow, you will be led to where you may access the best possible opportunities for your growth and evolution. Allow yourself to open and accept there may be “other”. in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by Austin Neill