I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“You are sweeping away the last remnants of your history before you can close the door and enter into the new. You are saying good-bye, acknowledging the lessons learned and all the wonderful opportunities you have experienced. You are grateful for the gifts of insights, the blessings you received and the beautiful souls who travelled with you. As you pay homage to this life, you also know that you no longer need to carry any distorted memories, any perceived wounds and scars that have not been healed. All is ready to be forgiven and released so that you are unencumbered, untethered and wholly free. Once you allow yourself to sweep all this away, the door may close. You may walk through the doorway in front of you. The air is pure, everything is bright and shiny and new. There is no debris and you look ahead. Be curious, be excited and live each moment in wonder.” in partnership with Mother Mary