I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today’s message brings in the theme of coming home. This feeling of home is prevalent in 2021. You have all experienced time in your homes this last year and you know the feeling of comfort and familiarity it brings. You are now in the energies of the unknown. These times are new and the kingdom that has manifested, through your collective choice, is indeed your true home. This home includes everyone. All are welcome, housed & nourished. True comfort is given through grace and you can rest in the knowledge/knowing that here you will be safe and cared for. So, as you move through your days experiencing the new and building the infrastructure, rest assured that you have many helpers working alongside you, making sure that your new home is strong and built on love. You may always know that you will be shown the very best way that supports your well-being and from that place of nurturance you will be able to serve many individuals the very meals/ knowledge/wisdom that they are craving. Enjoy your new home and allow it to sprawl, as many rooms are added on, to bring more members of your family under one roof.” in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by Arno Smit