I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today’s message is on wings that fly high and soar on energies that are surrounding you. This vision/feeling of flying will be strong for awhile now. It depicts both the freedom and the ease of surrender/flow that is available to you. Every time you chart your course, plan out your next “steps”, rise and see the landscape from above where there is more to be aware of. Your perspective broadens and instead of looking down, one foot ahead of another, you are looking around and enjoying the flight. Does it matter where you are going when everything is worthy of your attention, appreciation and admiration? When you can feel the moment without tying it down, tethering it to expectation, you can move more easily and pay attention to the blessings that appear. The view from above allows you to stay free from the judgement of whether what you are experiencing is good or bad, right or wrong. The view from above allows you to appreciate more and take in a perspective that is long reaching, clearer and inclusive. It is not shaded with your expectation and it offers you all that is necessary in the moment. The wisdom is shown in ways that will allow you to understand on many different levels. You then begin to integrate these beautiful “in-sites” of truth & wisdom so you can share them with others along the way.” in partnership with Goddess Athena
*photo by Marvin Parks