To all those who are facing challenges in their lives and finding it difficult to maintain balance, trust and peace. This too shall pass. I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Calm yourself. You are in a full blown reaction of all things you have lived/ experienced that you could not control. You have created this drama to play out all your doubt, disempowerment, disillusionment and frustration. This feeling of powerlessness is what is being released and replaced with trust in yourself, your guides/helpers so you can move forward in ease & for the highest good. Sometimes it looks different then what the “easy outcome” is and sometimes it is the process that is the opportunity and not the result. Trust that indeed this will be over. Trust that all your feelings are teaching you and moving you to a higher purview. You are releasing so much in a short time. This was a perfect opportunity for a level of discomfort that was safe and innocuous. You are being met with all that you need and everything will work out well. So relax, let go and let God manage the details for today. Let go and surrender the outcome knowing that tomorrow will come and you will be met with circumstances that will resolve and bring you forward to your next experience of being. You can stop fretting, judging yourself/others and playing out worst case scenarios. Trust and allow.” in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by Muha Ajja