I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“As we sit here and commune, you ask your questions. These questions are from the small self, the one that needs to know how things will be, how things end up. Now is the time when choices direct you. Your thoughts, feelings, actions and words determine the way forward. As you sit/be- understand that what you put your attention on grows, like a seed when watered. Understand if you rally on or resist then that too grows. Your attention, your focus becomes your reality. Stay in peace, love, acceptance, curiosity, gratitude and joy. Always turn to a perspective that is inclusive, direct your attention to what you want to feel and it will be. Stop analyzing and be in allowance. Where you choose to show up is where your heart will be. Be there and know that everything will unfold in a way that supports the highest good. Surrender and allow and your life will continue to gift you the many blessings that are always available waiting for your attention and receptivity. Embrace the moment.” in partnership with Archangel Gabrielle
*photo by Irina Krutova