I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Children, let it be known that you are loved. You have struggled so with knowing and understanding what love is and even though you may, at times, feel loved, you still have not grasped how infinitely and eternally loved you are. You have within you a drop, a cup or a pail of doubt. “If I do a wrong thing…I will not be loved. If I falter, fail, misstep …I will not be loved.” This element of doubt is keeping you separate. Keeping you caged up and unable to be wholly free. But once you move into grace, accepting the love you are and all are, you can begin to live how you are meant to…in joy, well-being, abundance and love. Allow yourself to open up to the possibility that pure love is your essence. The gift that you are through your expression serves us well. There is no change you need to make. Accept yourselves as you are, embrace yourselves and know you are loved just the way you are.” in partnership with God
*photo by Senjuti Kundu (Unsplash)