Love your perfect imperfections

Our true expression is to unconditionally love and accept all the many aspects of ourselves and others. We have learned to judge and shame. It is time to allow, bless and love ourselves back into wholeness. I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“You sit today wondering whether you are good or bad, relevant or not and whether you may comprehend the totality of your experience. You are judging certain aspects of yourself. You are scrunching your eyes closed so as not to see these characteristics that you deem unattractive. BUT what if we tell you that there is no unattractive, good or bad or even relevant aspects- there is only YOU. All of you is necessary to make up the very essence that is the eternal, infinite expression of the Divine. All of you serves you and the whole. To experience everything, to understand the infinite range of you is to indeed love these aspects and appreciate their capacity to expand your very presence. Don’t you know- you cannot be limited. It is not possible. When you try to subdue, repress or ignore a part of you, it will always backfire. It cannot stay down, unseen, shamed or guilted into silence/hidden. It will eventually appear, head held high, attacking your senses until it is acknowledged, allowed, appreciated and then loved back into you. So, you might as well accept these perfect imperfections. Stop judging them and start appreciating the ultimate gift they give you to know yourself- ALL of YOU.” in partnership with Yeshua

Moment to moment

This message was received after I was berating myself for “not doing” enough. If this resonates, may it also be of benefit to your precious and perfect journey. I offer it from my heart to yours with love.

“When you sit and think about what you feel you should do in order to be productive, relevant, supportive or of service, you are, in fact, stopping the flow of your true expression and divine will. It is only in the moment that you will be led to your highest expression/service. Any other time you are in “your” choice and then “the old” may re-appear, drawing you back rather than forward. Your mind can only see/visualize what has already been. Until you reach higher mind/God mind, you would still be creating from an old platform/foundation. Where you stand now is in the new and here you will be shown the way forward. Led and guided, supported and encouraged to be in divine will and connected “for & to” the highest good of all. So, trust and have faith in your evolution, your journey, your heart and wisdom. Allow the moment to present, allow yourself to embrace the new in joy and wonder. Be curious and open. Alert and aware. Be present and live expansively.” my Trueself

*photo by Cory Schadt

In joy

Within a “feeling” there is so much happening. It is all encompassing if you allow yourself to stay with it and in it. Joy is mostly fleeting for me. Moments that flit through my heart and energy field bringing me into a state of awe.
How does Joy feel to you?

The feeling of joy….

wonder full