Motoring through life,
in our body vehicle.
Revving our heart engine
with high octane gratitude.
Divine spark igniting,
filling us up with heat and light.

bringing more heart into people's lives
Motoring through life,
in our body vehicle.
Revving our heart engine
with high octane gratitude.
Divine spark igniting,
filling us up with heat and light.
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today’s message is about grace and endurance. Yes, it first takes endurance to move into grace. To surrender to the Almighty, you must first come to a place where you have had enough. Enough of the experience you called in and enough of trying to figure it all out. When that precious time arrives, your defences are down, your ability to swat away the help available has subsided and you can meet God with open arms and an open heart. That is when grace begins to flow and you learn the meaning of love and the eternal availability of this gift.
When you see the ones before you, not in the way that determines worthiness but where you can witness their role in your life and welcome the lesson, the opportunity to learn that they brought you- this is grace. Seeing all as God and knowing that if you are witnessing it, you are a part of it. When you embrace that, again grace is present and all that is there, is seen anew, with fresh eyes and a loving nature. Conflict may always move into grace. It is always there to access but first you must let go, remove the grasp you have on the situation/circumstance and allow it to be changed by the hand of the Divine.” in partnership with Goddess Athena
*photo by Priscilla Du Preez
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today is an opportunity to connect and receive the blessings of the day. We will be sending energies to each one willing to open and receive clearing, cleansing and nurturance. We are gifting these energies at this time to help uplift the experience of ascension and to give you all the opportunity to move past the blockages that have been keeping you small, disempowered and unacknowledged as the divine aspect you truly are. Once you can lift/untether from these ropes of limitation, the opportunities of advancement can begin to show up and forward movement can happen. So, today, trust that the gifts available are there and that as you open up and receive them, your energy fields will reflect the intention of clearing and you will move beyond what once was and into the new, fresh energies of what is.” in partnership with the Moon
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today’s message, dear One, is to let you know that the time of celebration is near. Some might ask-what are we celebrating? And that question resounds loud and clear as people from ALL places are sitting with their heads down, looking only with what is in front of them. But as you look up and around and start engaging more with your heart, you will be able to “feel” into the newness that is emerging in your lives & in the lives of others. This newness is not the same busyness that it once was when things changed in your landscape. This is more of an energetic shift that will lighten you regardless of your circumstances and if you allow it, it will float around you enabling you to access new, exciting parts/aspects of yourself & others. This will surprise and delight you as things unfold for you to experience wholeheartedly with joy, laughter and abandon. It could be a sunset, a rainbow or having a song play a message you need to hear. All of these, available for you to witness and know that there is more, much more, than meets the eye.
And that is when you move into celebration. Celebrating the beauty and perfection in the moment you stand in. That is where your joy resides. Move into it, live in it and your lives will reflect so much of this enJOYment.” in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by Dave Hoefler
Are we
coming or going?
Emotions overflow,
Old debris swept away,
only to reveal more.
Pause, breathe, trust.
Love the holy mess, that we are.
Surrendering into grace,
through the eyes of the Divine,
all is seen anew.
I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“As you sit warm and cozy in your home and you look out the window to an unfriendly world, we will say this to you- move off your couch and explore the new that is peeking out, beginning to grow, laying down its roots. This new growth is where your attention should be in order to nurture and love it into creation. These seeds are the garden and as they grow, it expands the horizon of your purview. You are no longer seeing the view out your window but a world view that is inclusive and unifying. The singular, familiar image is replaced with multiple landscapes, a wider perspective that includes many facets, colours and tones of expression. Your world becomes an interesting exchange of the old falling away to the new being built. As this process continues down the road less travelled, more and more people show up walking beside you until you are all walking together, breaking new ground, exploring, pioneering and leading the way for the ones who follow. This can be done through hard work or you can allow your many helpers to carry some of the load and it can begin to flow with the grace of God, the ease of surrender. Allow the helping hand, receive all the gifts that are available to you and appreciate the precious moment you stand in.” in partnership with Melchezidek
*photo by Denys Nevozhai