Dreams do come true, they are waiting for you.

For all my sisters and brothers who are feeling a little stuck, unsure, demotivated or confused. I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message is one filled with hopes and dreams, a compilation of your heart’s desires. A beautiful montage that you have pieced together throughout your years. We celebrate your precious heart and understand that there have been times where the picture/image created has not been honoured/experienced. But no matter, because it doesn’t go away, it remains bright and ready to move into fruition at your beckoning. You did not miss out, lose any opportunity meant for you. Everything circles around, waiting in your field to be realized, experienced, felt and enjoyed. Understand, that which is within you is seeded and whether it grows and blossoms now or later is your choice. All seeds need care and attention- direct action. And when you place your focus/intention on them, they will respond, grow and bloom. Trust that the seeds you have planted will thrive. Be patient and allow yourself the time you need.” in partnership with Yeshua

Believing in you

When self-doubt seizes 
all your thoughts
and worry unravels
the choices sought-
hold within
what you know as true,
the most empowered version of you. 

When worst case scenarios 
take up your time,
as all kinds of villains
play in your mind-
hold within
what you know as true,
the most empowered version of you. 

When lost at the crossroad,
hero confused
and no step is taken,
both feet refuse-
hold within
what you know as true,
the most empowered version of you. 

When tears are shed 
of fear and dread,
your watery release
from ease and peace-
hold within
what you know as true,
the most empowered version of you. 

When you believe 
the empowered you
and trust in all 
that you can do,
you become 
the version that’s true,
holding within
a master’s view.

*photo by Ryan Moreno

My joyful heart

I cycle through feelings of joy and frustration, trying to figure out where I am in this “ascension” process; a beautiful illustration of how the heart (joy) and the mind (frustration) is experiencing it all. I spend my precious moments either judging myself (mind) or in love with myself (heart). Back and forth I go, into the Upper Room and then dipping down to a lower vibration. When I am confused (mind), I get the message to enjoy the process and know (heart) that this is what I came here to experience.  One of these days, I will wake up and allow myself my feelings, unconditionally. I will embrace the moment, trusting it is perfect because that is what I’ve chosen. I will finally let my heart lead the way – to joyfully be as I am. 

Loving awareness

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“The message today is a gift of love to wrap around you like a cloak. Every time you need it, the gift is present, available, to surround you in comfort, joy, safety and knowing. Knowing, that you are loved always and in all ways. When we gift this, we wish for you to acknowledge the same ability to cloak yourself in love. It is a gift from God and also always available. When seeking outside of yourself, you miss the opportunity to comprehend the innate love that is you. You are reaching out and not connecting within. This is the “human” way. The projection of needs that seek to be met externally. It helps you with the lessons you are involved in/with. It is beneficial for growth but may cause unease, restlessness and disappointment. The next time you are unsure of yourself, triggered in a past experience or struggling with your emotions, stop, reach in and move to your place of knowing where all is loving awareness. Cloak yourself in that. It will serve you well.” in partnership with Mother Mary

*photo by Timothy Dykes

Joy of sharing

Heart journeys,
souls divine,
tell me your story.
I’ll tell you mine.

Listening intently,
all that was dealt,
lessons learned
and feelings felt.

Insights, wisdom, 
gifts to receive,
opening myself
to all you perceive.

Experience expressed,
tried and true,
a hidden landscape 
ready to view.

Coming along
to a place that is new,
I’ll plant some seeds
inspired by you.

Listening to someone’s experience is to be in the joy of sharing. To truly listen and gain insight through their eyes and perspective, broadens and expands us. We are able to catch glimpses of their reality, their story and their growth. We benefit when we allow, accept and appreciate another’s expression.
   Sometimes though, we can get stuck. We close ourselves off, judge or compare the experience with our own perspective, our own reality and our own story. If it differs we resist, push back and sometimes make others wrong. 
   We are all individuated, unique expressions of the Divine. Our journeys are not meant to be the same. Understanding there are no “better” experiences, creates a space of love. In that space, magic happens. We celebrate our differences. We come together.

So much is happening within and without

Try to be patient and loving with yourself and others.
Trust. The Collective has chosen. We are ascending. 

“I know who you are in truth. 
  I know what you are in truth.
  I know how you serve in truth.
  You are free. You are free. You are free.”
                  Melchezidek through Paul Selig

We are rising from…

Fear to Love
Sleeping to Awakened
Control to Surrender
Small Self to Divine Self
Separation to Wholeness
Lower to Higher vibration
Compliance to Empowerment
Illusion to Truth
Judgement to Acceptance
Scarcity to Abundance
Conflict to Peace
Apathy to Responsibility
Denial to Faith and Trust
Mind to Heart
Thinking to Knowing 
Information to Wisdom
Doing to Being
Linear time to Eternal moment
Isolation to Connection
Ignorance to Awareness
Repression to Feeling
Resistance to Flow
Unworthiness to Receptivity
Enslavement to Freedom
Victim to Master
Frustration to Patience
Conformity to Authenticity 
Individual gain to Collective benefit
Shame to Self-love
Discrimination to Compassion
Aggression to Tolerance
Personal will to Divine will
Indifference to Kindness
Reaction to Response
Singularity to Singular plurality 
Greed to Generosity
History to The Unknown
Role-playing to True Expression 
Limited to Infinite potentiality
Contraction to Expansion
Suffering to Ease
Agenda to Allowance
Blocked to Boundless Creativity 
Dis-ease to Well-being
Entitlement to Gratitude
Conquerors to Stewards of Gaia
Success (financial) to Growth (experience)
Governance to Sovereignty 
and so much more

*photo by Alex Shute