Golden light

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“The Christ light is shining in. Accept it with our love and allow it to permeate your being. This gift of golden light offers love and healing in ways that are needed now. These energies are truly yours to ascribe to and yours to maintain. They revolve around your energy field creating a field that supports your movement forward and upward. Allow this to be a calling card for all who you come in contact with. Your introduction and blessing that you pass on. As you radiate this light/energy, all will bask and become, only to be the ones to pass it forward. Not by holding it in but by combining with, by becoming whole. And as you each connect together with this light so shall the Kingdom be lit. It is a bright light and one that is never extinguished. For you carry it within yourself, the spark of the Divine, and you are meant to radiate it out, not keep it hidden. As the spark within moves into radiance/alignment with the Christ light without, so shall you spread the rays/waves- covering, enveloping, transforming all that is holding itself separate. This loving, healing light just shines. It just “is”. It does not fix, it witnesses the God/Divine in another. Go forth into your day, be the light that you are and bask in the warmth of your heart and mine.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Bruno Nascimento

We are energy beings

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Precious Ones, we have come today to explain some laws to you. These laws are not built on restrictions or an abuse of justice but instead they are energetic laws of attraction and repulsion. When you fully understand yourselves as energy beings you start to experience your inner workings as such. Then you can navigate your life, your well-being, a little differently and with the knowledge that empowers and not restricts. These simple laws, for they are indeed simple, when applied, allow you to move in and out of experience without holding onto or repressing anything of a difficult nature. When you understand that everything is “an opportunity” then you can manage yourselves with more ease. And this is the first law. Everything you see in front of you is “there for you”. You have chosen the experience, you have called it into existence. Only you can meet it with grace or you can turn around and run from it. The second law is that if you choose to run, the opportunity will eventually meet you again and again until you see what it is you wish to learn. So, the next time you are met with challenging circumstances, you may choose to thank it. Understand that what’s facing you is an opportunity for your growth, healing, empowerment and then do your best to move through the experience with the least possible resistance. Know that you will be met with your highest good as you move out of it. And this is the third law. Difficult circumstances do not last. There is always ebb and flow. And what was once a challenging time in your life will soon become a time when you can rest and recover. A time where there is a respite for you and you will be taken care of so that the next opportunity can be met with a fresh approach. Understanding this law is important because you have a tendency to apply your history, an old way of seeing/doing things, and this is not helpful. When you meet what is in front of you with a newness you then can see where your attention/ awareness may go. You are not reliving an experience but you are living the experience. 
These three simple laws allow you to move your energy along and through. Releasing the old, welcoming the new and moving forward, open, receptive, aware and accepting of the beautiful opportunity you’ve brought to you. You become the master not the victim. You are living YOUR LIFE. You can enjoy it.” in partnership with Buddha

Our life experience

With the grace of God, may 2022 bring peace, love, joy, well-being and prosperity to ALL.

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“As you stand in your now moment so shall you guide yourself forward. If you are calm & peaceful, in ease & grace, so shall the next moment perpetuate it. And it goes on. What you bring into the moment births the next. Now, you have been told this teaching often and in many different ways but as you raise your vibration and awareness you will understand it more deeply and throughly. And with this broadened perspective, your lives will reflect this on many different levels. When you fully understand your freedom and mastery and shift into creating rather than reacting you will see/witness how your world evolves. Your circumstances that used to be challenges and struggles dissolve into excited anticipation of the newness you are moving into. And this is where trust comes in. Trust that you are being guided and that you can give up the reins of control and still be the master of your own life experience. Trust that what you see before you is also divine and deserves your understanding, compassion and respect. And then miracles blossom forth as the world blooms in the garden, the Kingdom. Cherish where you stand now, these times are ripe with growth, expansion and have faith that you are being led by your higher self. Let go and allow gifts to come into your moment. They are there to be received and enjoyed. 
You are each loved and cherished.” in partnership with God

*photo by Dave Hoefler

Decide anew

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“As you sit and ponder your lives, may you know how much you expand us through your everyday ponderings. May you also realize you are being given exactly what you call in. If there is anything missing, anything you feel that is not welcome and anything that confuses you, understand, you are the one that has created it and you are the one that can resolve it. As you allow yourself to bring in all that you have decided on, may you know that you can decide anew. You can turn yourself around and learn from a new perspective. You may decide to either create with boundaries/resistance or stay wide open to the grace of God. You are in choice.
This time of year brings about blessings and miracles. Call them in, create them through the opening of yourself to their possibility. With joy, resolve and allowance, be open to receive.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Paolo Nicolello