I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“The Christ light is shining in. Accept it with our love and allow it to permeate your being. This gift of golden light offers love and healing in ways that are needed now. These energies are truly yours to ascribe to and yours to maintain. They revolve around your energy field creating a field that supports your movement forward and upward. Allow this to be a calling card for all who you come in contact with. Your introduction and blessing that you pass on. As you radiate this light/energy, all will bask and become, only to be the ones to pass it forward. Not by holding it in but by combining with, by becoming whole. And as you each connect together with this light so shall the Kingdom be lit. It is a bright light and one that is never extinguished. For you carry it within yourself, the spark of the Divine, and you are meant to radiate it out, not keep it hidden. As the spark within moves into radiance/alignment with the Christ light without, so shall you spread the rays/waves- covering, enveloping, transforming all that is holding itself separate. This loving, healing light just shines. It just “is”. It does not fix, it witnesses the God/Divine in another. Go forth into your day, be the light that you are and bask in the warmth of your heart and mine.” in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by Bruno Nascimento