Our heart’s knowing

No longer second guessing,
trying to get it right.
Silencing our thoughts of doubt,
the mind’s dialogue figuring out.
In full surrender, as we let go,
our hearts whisper…
“relax and know”.

With no more questions, 
resistance lessens.
Moments unfold 
with heightened presence.
Our human form becoming 
our divine essence. 

And finally,
we are here,
free and clear.
Hearts connected,
beating as One,
allowing and trusting, 
we welcome the sun.

The Power Within

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Your power flows within and projects out into the external field of manifestation. This continuum allows for all that is for your highest growth and expansion to develop in divine timing. It allows you to surrender the reins of control & manipulation, expectations & agenda and gives everything up to God. Through this power and intention, your life literally flows into the moment, attracting to you the many opportunities for your growth. The eternal you is calling the shots and as you show up curious and wide-eyed, you will be shown the way forward through the lessons that add to your evolution. This infinite expansion of divine light is who you truly are. It shows up and shines regardless of circumstances and in this brilliant Illumination, blessings are gifted and received. A never-ending flow that gives to you what you need to lead you forward. As you receive these guiding presents/presence of unimaginable synchronicities, gifts of joy, your life becomes the ever-evolving  story of you, the divine you, the one in authentic expression and the one that is a blessing to us all. Accept the ease of surrender and allow the grace that flows through you to bring you into the true beauty and magnificence of you.” 

*photo by Jared Erondu

Harmonious Union

Compassionate witness, 
choosing moments of revelation.
Hearts expressing 
the spectrum of feelings,
untethered to expectations, 
history, chains of reference. 
Free to see the divine 
in each experience.
Moving into WE,
harmonious and whole.

A simple smile

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today we bring you a message that is woven with the beautiful frequencies of love and self-care, the New Moon energies. We would like to add to this healing blend, a dash of joy and a pinch of fun. SMILE your way into the next moment. Allow yourself to feel the beautiful relief a smile gives you. You cannot stay grumpy if you are smiling. You cannot stay anxious and in your mind if you are smiling from your heart. This gift that is always within you is the easiest way to move into a calm, accepting place of contentment. A simple smile can make everything seem manageable. All of a sudden, you can breathe, look at things in a brighter, clearer way. Feel that the clouds will pass and the sun will shine. If you take the moment, the opportunity, and bring a smile to your face, the one you are with can also feel the simple joy you are imparting. The one before you can also move into balance & alignment and they too can smile. In that moment, a beautiful agreement is made- “we are all right.” We are going to be o.k. because we are together, trusting and in response to the joy we are creating. And from there everything and anything is possible.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Vinit Vispute

Your heart’s embrace

Breathe through your heart. Allow your heart to embrace you in unconditional love. Sit in its gentle witness, in comfort and safety, knowing that every aspect of yourself is accepted. Feel into this place where your expression is celebrated and your presence honoured. Radiate love from this place of nurturance. This is who you truly are. You are love.💗

Vibration of love and healing light

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today we have come to bring you into the vibration of love and into a healing light that emanates from within and without. Feel for it, trust in it and know with your heart that it is always available as you tune in. Yes, you must tune in, like a receiver, in order to receive/accept/download these rays/energies that are streaming to you. You are always in relationship with the energies around you and you are the master of your energy field. You determine what you align to, what you allow to enter and what affects you. You determine all of these things and once you fully understand that you can rise above, disengage and even transmute energy, you will never be affected by another unless you choose to be. There is always a choice and each choice offers you an opportunity to learn. The more you become an expert in bringing the lessons you want to you, the more your life will be an out-picturing of what you like/desire and less like someone else’s movie you are playing a part in. Allow yourself to become the master creator you truly are by accepting the love available to you. This will help empower your choices by raising your vibration above the fray and giving you the perspective in a higher octave. Once you feel supported in these energies, all will look manageable, easily navigated and with outcomes that light the way forward. Allow my love to buoy you up.” in partnership with God

*photo by Marvin Meyer