Inspired creativity

heart expression
feelings binding thoughts
creating words across a page
beautiful nuggets of wisdom

*In dedication to Matt @modern_sooth who through his divine poetry and loving heart inspired the poet within. And to all the wonderful masters of the word, I honour and celebrate the beauty you gift us.

This message I received awhile back. It is a beautiful message and I offer it from my heart to yours with love.

“Today, let us muse about poetry. Words are powerful tools, not only to get your message across but as seeds of energy that are planted in the fertile soil of the mind/imagination. They are what grows and eventually becomes present in your daily lives. You manifest with them and they are powerful. It is always important to be aware of what you are thinking and sending out. To know & understand what is behind each word, the feeling that inserts it’s energy and infuses all your manifestations. Angry words plant seeds of anger. Love seeds love. What do you want to nourish, to see grow and flourish in your garden, the mind? How do you want to communicate with yourself & others and how do you want them to feel? Poetry is a beautiful tool where the magician (the poet) masterfully uses words to paint a picture in your mind. The words dropping in the soil and germinating. These magicians are indeed masters of the word and they are honoured for their craft and service. Their cadence sings a song for all to hear. We appreciate them and admire their dedication. They are the storytellers that spread loving messages and uplift humanity with just a sentence. And we say thank you.” in partnership with God

Relax, enjoy and have fun

This message is for everyone. We ALL serve the whole. I offer it with love from my heart to yours.

“Hello dear one, this message is for you and for you to share. Ever since you began your journey eons ago you have placed emphasis outside of yourself. You were born of service and you have served the whole endlessly, tirelessly, magnificently but now at this time in the evolution of humanity, it is important/relevant that you choose a life that reflects the joyful abandon that exists in the higher levels/dimensions. This joyful expansion of creation is meant to heal the wounds that continue to fester through the hardship of what was. But now we must shake off the history so that a new story can be written, lived, experienced. As you are the author I ask that you write yourself a free, fun, in flow journey where ease and grace naturally guide and there is little effort. Surrendering allows the magic to dance in your life without the hindering of agenda, thought processes that anticipate, expect and want to know with certainty the way forward. Understand that choice in the moment is your way forward and with each free choice more is then brought to you. And if you choose big and beautiful that is what flows back. Being in joy allows your choices to follow your heart, your passion, and as you feel/learn more about your passion, we can hand deliver to you the best way forward for all. So, let go of the feeling of responsibility and start exploring all that you wish to experience. As you do, things will open up for you, abilities will appear, all to support you along the way. There is no need to push….relax, enjoy and have fun.”   in partnership with God

*photo by Julia Caesar

Shifting from “I” to “We”

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We are all being gifted by the energies available to humanity at this time. We are all lifting and expanding with each high choice that is being made. Each time you choose love over separation, WE are blessed. Each time you shine brighter instead of dimming your light, WE are blessed. Notice how you are feeling as you read these words. Notice how you are feeling when you acknowledge that the “whole” is being blessed through your actions. The choice of including the ALL and not only your separate agenda and expectations can bring you into a state of peace and contentment. You have aligned your choices to the highest good of all. This inclusion, this feeling of unity, lifts us even more. Together we hold the higher frequencies and together we shine brighter. As you move through your days/life and notice your shift of perspective from “I” to “We”, you will also note how different you feel. It might get easier, you struggle less, you feel more joy in each moment. Your life opens up to new potentials and the expectations you once held are released to the new that is entering. Understand that the choices you are making, make a difference not just in your life but in all life. You are the masters. You create your reality, you choose your experience and you have free will. You can use these gifts of being to uplift and inspire. With awareness, you will see that with each high choice of love, peace, harmony and joy, your way forward and the paths of others will be more in ease and grace.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Hannah Busing

What do you wish to experience?

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message poses the question, what do you wish to experience? This question starts the ball rolling. For many, your lives tend to run away from you. As you dream about what is down the road, the life you are living becomes a set of circumstances to deal with, struggle though and not necessarily savour. But, what if these circumstances are exactly what you need  to determine what it is you do desire? If you are hungry, doesn’t a delicious meal sound appealing? If you are cold, doesn’t warm weather conjure up dreams? There is always opportunity to feel into the moment and get the clues of what you most want to create and experience. If you are feeling powerless, wouldn’t you want to have a chance to feel empowered? All of these gifts of feelings enable you to understand what it is you desire to learn from. If you take the time, in the moment, to become more aware of what you are feeling, you can then bring up the feeling you most want to experience. From there, your imagination can create the circumstances that will bring it to you. Staying in the feeling calibrates the events that will show up for you. These events, the theatre of your life will play out so that you can star in your masterpiece, your work of art, your divine script. Feel into the experience and allow it to permeate, percolate and prepare the opportunity that will present in your life.”  in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Emily Morter