
From my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message is to bring you all to the next level where you can now imagine how you want to live versus how you are living. You are responsible for what you encounter in your daily life and this is wonderful news. This allows you to change or alter any aspect that you wish. As you step into your mastery, you will bring to you the experiences that you call in. These come from your thoughts and you can control your way of thinking. You can bring to you things, feelings, experiences, people & places by being present and imagining that you have already received what you are wishing for.

This tool of manifestation will be your power in 2020. As you play with this ability God gifted you, you will be delighted not only in your sovereignty but in the results. Enjoy and pay attention to what shows up in your life so that you can witness the Divine in action. It is truly remarkable and noteworthy when you receive what you have called in. And as your awareness of your ability to do this expands so will your power. Choose your thoughts wisely, bring to you what you desire and allow the rest to fall away peacefully and in ease.”  in partnership with Archangel Gabrielle

I am worthy of my love

It seems like I am writing the same message over & over and yet this is what keeps coming up. Clearly, I am still learning what self-love truly means. 

Until I fully realize that every aspect of myself is worthy of my love, I will out-picture that judgement onto others. 

In each moment, I will offer myself love, listen to my heart and allow my God essence its full expression. 

Falling in love with myself, I fall in love with you.


Step out of your shadow and bask in your sunSHINE.

It is time to bask in our light. To love and accept ourselves in our entirety. To let go of judgement and be in peace. 

As our boundaries dissolve, our light shines brighter, it illumines and our hearts lead us home.


You are one with Source, always. You are not separate. You are never alone.

You are one with Source, always. You are not separate. You are never alone.

You are free

Sit comfortably, barefoot and with your back erect. Place the palms of your hands face down and resting on your legs. As you take your first long, deep inhale, imagine a bird in flight. With each breath you become that bird, feeling what it is like to surf the updrafts and to soar. You are Free.

  As you continue breathing in and out, you consciously open yourself up to integrate the energies that are being gifted to us and you feel yourself expanding. The feeling of flying and the expansion of your energy field will help allow you to be in less resistance and receive Divine Source light more fully. You get a glimpse of what it is like to be in a less dense body and to be free of constraint. You are free. You are expansive. 

You are Ascending in Oneness, unencumbered, in the Now.

It is time

I am only now starting to understand what this means. At 62 years old, I am embracing all the many aspects of myself that come together to form my beingness. These include characteristics that in the past I would push away, berate and bemoan.  

As I sit in this perfect now moment, I allow myself to be as I am. That means there is no background chatter. No lists of shoulds and comments that create imbalance or unease. Instead I breathe. I breathe in love for myself. I know I am deserving of this because I AM and not because of anything I do. And then I imagine the feeling I want to experience. I breathe it through my heart and radiate it throughout my body. Excitement, abundance, joy, peace….such a beautiful game of creation to play with. It all begins with SELF-LOVE.