Releasing the old

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today we talk about the depths of sorrow you are experiencing now. You are releasing the old and are grieving over the endings you see in front of you. This deep sorrow heals the wounds that have been inflicted and felt. It is the salve that when spread over memories bring closure, like closing a book after you finish a story. 

      Sorrow is not comfortable and when you feel it your mind wants to push it away but your heart draws it closer. To honour how you feel is your highest service. Try to stay in the moment and allow yourself your sadness. Allow yourself to feel and release anything that arises and know that in so doing you are healing the past and setting yourself free from any judgements you hold. There is nothing to fix. All will move back into love, forgiveness and perfection of Source, Divine light.

     Be gentle with yourselves. ALL that you experience expands the whole. 

 It is time to embrace the new without the tethering of the old. Let go and rise.”  in partnership with Archangel Gabrielle

Changing the world, one heart at a time

When you filter your life through your heart, magical things happen. You no longer look at things in a quantitative, judgemental way. Your presence in each moment is amplified and you can feel, experience more of what is going on around you. This way of being helps determine a perspective that guides your life forward in ways that you have never experienced before. A softer outlook allows you to live in a calmer way, aligned to the mind, makes it a clearer way as well. Clarity, focus, openness, is the rule of thumb and your day does not consist of one reaction after another. You can move in ease and your communications are kinder with yourself and others. This is the way of the heart. When the heart leads, the mind will follow and soon you are moving through your days creating your highest expression possible. This changes your life and it changes the world.


 For the past 25 years through personal growth, experience & education I have developed my heart consciousness. This is a new way of “being” in the world that is more at ease, more accepting and more present.

My joy is to reflect, celebrate and empower the loving wisdom within each of us.

   with love, Sharon Ramesbottom


Definition of inheart (verb):

  • to put heart into
  • to encourage; inspirit
  • to enclose within the substance of the heart

Anagram: inearth