I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today we have come to instil in you the understanding that you are not alone. From a very young age you are seen and believe yourself to be, separate from your sisters and brothers. Your experience of being “apart” defines your life, for you do not always see your responsibility in the welfare/well-being of another. You are shown and told the importance of looking after yourself. You reward independence and hold it up as a way to fulfil the adult portion of your life. We now come to ask you, what does independence mean to you? If it means to be responsible for yourself, then we would like to ask you to extend that definition to include your family. The family of humanity that covers the Earth. Independence is a form of freedom and this freedom enables you to reach out and help support others in ways that can be both big and small. To be independent of rules and restrictions, to follow your heart and to extend your blessings outward is a true gift. It is not only yourself that requires care in a responsible way but all members of your human family. You are not separate and when you realize this, you will naturally move back into an understanding that what is beneficial for you can be applied to all others. Be the example of kindness & compassion and allow yourself the experience of fellowship, camaraderie, companionship and connection. Come together, do not stand alone.” in partnership with Yeshua
As you come together, show the love you are, by being and receiving the love that is.
*photo by Zac Durant