Greeting each moment as yourself

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We are here today to guide you forward through a playful and joyful conversation. Not everything you seek requires hard work, a heads down attitude. The “doing” days are over. You may begin to live your life with less struggle and more ease when you adjust to “ being” in the moment – enjoying whoever/whatever you are in relationship with. This ease of being, you have never truly experienced. In order for you to feel this, you must let go and trust. Trust has not been nourished in your world. You have been taught how to fear, how to protect yourselves and how to create rules to maintain order. But when you move into trust, you are open, accepting of the circumstances and the people that are in front of you. You are bringing the vibration of love and radiating it out. Your welcomeness says…”Come, you are safe, you are loved and we can be together in comfort.” When you trust, you show your true self to others, you express freely and you do not judge or fear being judged. This new way of being excites and ignites each one who is gifted by your presence. They, in turn, can trust and move into love with ease. This supports and benefits ALL, allowing your time on Earth to “play” out and be joyful. The joy is in the “living” of your life, not just existing and going through the motions. But, by showing up as yourself, greeting each moment as yourself. This is ease.  Let go of your doubting, your questions of whether you are good enough and embrace all of you. And then trust that everything waiting for you will be brought to you.” in partnership with Buddha

Blessings for you

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today we celebrate the many blessings that surround each and every one of you. These blessings are there in your field to receive and enjoy. Many of you are too busy living your lives, trying to do everything yourself, you do not take the time to receive. We surround you with circumstances that when given the appropriate choices will bring in more ease and address the different wishes you are calling to you. You are so busy “thinking” of how you are going to manage, you do not look around clearly at what might be in front of you. One conversation can change your life. One connection might bring you into another world to experience. Try to let go of your outdated agendas & outcomes and embrace a new way of being in your lives. You may find that once you do, you will see how much ease you can achieve and allow the flow to take you down stream effortlessly. When you surrender and let go of your musings, you can then fully experience what true receptivity feels like. This is trusting that what you see in front of you is serving you and knowing that there are blessings to be received within these moments of experience. Your life then blossoms for you to enjoy, allow the flowers in your garden to bloom. They have been planted for you.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Joshua Earle

Commune, receive, expand

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Thank you for calling on us. We welcome the mingling of your beautiful energy with ours. As we sit together we can enjoy each other’s company. There are times when words are not necessary. The gift of a teaching or wisdom can be transferred in a moment by the immediate connection that combines with and allows for the messages to flow in. This is done not through the corridors of your mind but through your heart and other higher senses. So, let us be together. Open yourself up to us and accept the love we have to pour in. As you welcome it, it gifts to you the blessing of communion. When you move outside yourselves and into Oneness, you expand to receive so much more. You are not limiting and staying small but you expand into the energies that surround us. And you are vast. As you expand out, your field moves into alignment with more of the All That Is.  And as you join together, allowing yourself to receive greater blessings of Divine energy, that in turn, begins to empower the inner workings of your individual field. This allows for congruency and it allows you to expand more. The more you receive, the more you become. You are the only ones limiting yourselves. So sit with us, invite us in, commune & receive and then expand into the vast, precious, eternal light that you are. As you shine so does the rest of the world. Light up your life as brightly and widely as possible.” in partnership with the Arcturians

Stepping into the unknown

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We come today to celebrate the shift that is your homecoming, your inheritance. You are all stepping up and into the energies that will support your movement forward. Even though what is before you might be disappointing or uncomfortable, please know that it too will shift into a phase that looks anew. Understand that your histories, the old, may appear in order to be recognized and released so that your choices do not replicate it. You may choose from a higher perspective. Once that takes place and you are not repeating your experiences, you will have stepped into the unknown where everything is possible. This will enable you to move along with a new way of being in your lives. This shift takes time. You are learning a different skill set in order to navigate and your motives/desires are changing as well. Be patient with this transition and allow the pieces to fall into place so you may have the appropriate realizations to help you with your discernment and choices. Wait until you “know” and try not to sit and ruminate “what ifs”. There is great change in front of you and the best possible way to move through it is in trusting that you will always be met with the highest good possible for you in the moment. With each step your journey unfolds de-light-fully. Allow your choices to be in love and understand that as you move forward into the unknown, the foundation you are building will support the new that is being raised- replacing the old and creating a place where rebirth, renewal and regeneration may occur.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Aron Visuals

Welcome to love

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today we come to deliver tidings to you and the rest of humanity in ways that soothe and allow the truth of who you are to surface joyfully and completely. This way forward can lead you into a time when all humanity opens up to their potential for a peaceful and loving existence. Division has reigned too long. It is now your time to rein in judgement and to seek connection with your fellows/family. It is time to allow, welcome home everyone and to accept ALL with the grace of a handshake, an embrace. Would you not want animosity to move away from within your systems and the world at large. In order to become complete and true, you must embrace every aspect of yourself and every person as worthy of love. Every part/member of humanity is worthy of the love available. The Creator does not hold back, deem any element unworthy. All is acknowledged, seen and accepted as “part of”. Once you move into union and join together, celebrating diversity, celebrating expression, you can then move into community in a way that enables growth. Not by witnessing the new but as an active participant, creating the very circumstances that move you into the new. Together you will find the way to collectively be in love, a vibration of acceptance and allowance. Together you will drop the judgements and collaborate so that the future can be bright and blissful for the generations to come. You are already on your way. Welcome to love.” in partnership with Archangel Metatron

*photo by Marcel Ardivan