The heart is your home

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today’s message allows us to come together in a joyful, loving way and share our hearts as One. The heart is your home. It is a place inside your vessel that holds a part of you that shines eternally. This place is always available to light you up. To bring you into a blissful state where Divine connection can be felt and experienced. You can become proficient, an expert at bringing yourself into this state of being through diligence and practice. Spending time with your heart, allowing the messages of wisdom to be heard and honouring your feelings will always renew you. You can depend on this safe haven making your heart a welcoming place by opening it up like petals of a flower blooming. Imagine a young bud tightly closed and as it matures, each petal loosens, opens, until it is in full blossom. Your heart is similar and as you open up to the beauty within you, all the love, wisdom and grace flows forth and fills you up. You are home, safe, comfortable, content and peaceful. And in the comfort of your home, your life unfolds before you to entertain and teach for your enjoyment. “ in partnership with Yeshua

HeartMath breathing technique: Drop your attention to your heart or chest area. Breathe a little slower and deeper (4 to 5 sec) through your heart like a column of air. Do this for a few minutes with eyes opened or closed. If you attention moves back up to your mind, gently bring it back down to your heart. 

Grateful for you

Feeling gratitude for the Divine in all 

Thank you each for your being. 
Your heart flame brightens us. 
Your honoured feelings strengthens us. 
Your experience expands us.
You are beautiful, 
unique expressions of Source.

Thank you God! Thank you God! Thank you God!

*photo by Jakob Owens

Colourful beings

of colour
we are
moving, shifting
brilliant shades

moments painted
on living canvasses
changing landscapes
within fields 
of divergent

bright bursts
with muted
we are
the whole spectrum
light to dark

beautiful array
of infinite possibilities 
splattered at first
gently becoming
our masterpiece 

Digging deep

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“The message I am about to relate is given through the joy shared between all souls here and beyond. We are ONE in every way and as you move together in realization to the truth of who you are, many great and wonderful things will begin to occur. At first, you will notice these blessings in your everyday life, synchronicities, opportunities, even perceived difficulties, all will play out as you walk together into unknown territory within your evolution. These times you are in, support you and are there to allow your growth unhindered as it was in the past. Nothing, no-thing can stop you now. As you all manage your lives the best you can, the experiences you have will grow incrementally to support your inner development. Nothing is wasted. All is being used to either teach, release, learn from, expand or simply “be” in the vibration of a feeling or thought you have chosen. Understand that nothing is being “done to you”. Instead see yourself moving through places of experiences in order to express the deepest recesses of your being. Yes, you are digging deep and this excavation will continue until all is seen so it can no longer affect you and determine your responses. You may see anew, a fresh way, a clear perspective without the “old” fogging up your lens. Be patient and meet each moment with gratitude for the time will come when you can rest and be in your knowing that all is Divine.” in partnership with Archangel Michael.

*photo by dylan nolte

A daily reminder

love yourself
you are one of a kind
trust yourself
your heart and mind
be yourself
you are enough
with all your thorns 
and warts
and heavy stuff
enjoy yourself
you’re lots of fun 
giggle at your jokes
an audience of one
dance a lot
move around with glee
feel the passion
of being free
sing a song 
you made with rhyme 
clap your hands 
in synchronized time
beat a drum 
ring a bell
allow yourself 
to raise some hell
let go
of all your silly rules
it’s time to live
the life you choose

Being in delight/the light

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today we come together in union and communion. Both supplying whatever we need to encourage the elevation, empowerment, enlightenment for humanity as One entity, species and a greater whole. As humanity moves further along its path of ascension, things will begin to evolve in ways that delight/the light. I use this word with a joyful countenance and a smiling heart. This is how one may move forward no matter the circumstances they find themselves in. You may always choose to remain optimistic of what lies ahead without having to place any determined agenda or outcome. You can move slowly onward collectively into the unknown with steps taken on faith, trusting that all that is in front of you will resolve in ways that are for the highest good. You may not be able to see the solution available but that does not mean there isn’t one. Knowing that you are moving upwards and onwards towards a higher way where everyone’s needs will be met might be difficult to hold onto at times but hold you can. This helps ensure the grounding of well-being, love, peace and harmony into your home, Earth. And this does create an opportunity, an open door that humanity may walk through. Hold the vision in your heart, see it as true and delight in the coming home to God where ALL belong.” in partnership with Archangel  Metatron

*photo by Jon Tyson