A sacred lesson

This is a true account of an experience I had when I was seventeen.
It has taken me awhile to fully understand the beautiful gift I was given. 

Walking through 
a field one night,
I came upon 
a moment of fright.

On my path,
a boy appeared.
As he strolled by,
he wore a sneer.
Pushing me forward 
with all his might,
scaring me 
was his delight.

I didn’t react
with anger or fear
instead I chose 
to gently change gears
by thanking  him 
for being here.
And in a voice,
that was 
steady and clear.
I said….

“I was nervous, at first,
to walk in this park.
It’s very secluded
and very dark.
But now there is
an angel with me, 
ready to be my company.”

Hearing these words 
he looked at me,
from villain to hero,
I allowed him to be.

The truth of him
moved into Grace,
creating a kind 
and loving space.
He reassured
he’d keep me safe.

He walked with me 
the whole way there,
choosing to be 
the one who cares.
No longer the boy
who intended to scare.

As I look back,
I understand,
this sacred lesson
is close at hand.
The Divine in me
may set one free 
by witnessing 
their divinity.

“I know who you are in truth. I know what you are in truth.
I know how you serve in truth. You are free. You are free. You are free.”
Melchizedek through Paul Selig

The Divine in all things

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today we gather together to celebrate all things beauty full. This does not mean aesthetically but Divinely. When you can fully understand that everything is Source then you can look at the world anew. You are not clumping things into groups- these are unnecessary and worthless, these no longer hold my interest, these are not what I want anymore as they have moved out of favour with the crowd. These critical viewpoints help you make a decision of what is of value and what isn’t. And this way of thinking is then applied to your relationships and the world at large. “I used to like her.  She was fun but now I don’t want to spend time with her.” You can throw relationships away like the things you toss in a trashcan. But if you see these items and people as of God, then you might treat them a little more kindly, with more care and that, in and of itself, creates a massive shift in your world and the world at large. The next time you decide you no longer want something or someone, show them kindness and if it is truly time for you to move on, do so carefully as everything is beauty full.” in partnership with Buddha

*photo by Ravin Rau

A higher purview

Upside down
and inside out
my thoughts go round
and round with doubt.
I do not know
the reasons why.
What’s it about?
I pry and pry.

To get it out,
to understand,
fear will have
to drop my hand.
Questions roam 
around my mind.
The answers are 
not there to find.
Am I separate 
from the One above?
Am I even truly loved?

I’m tired of 
rolling in the muck
I give permission 
to get unstuck.
To look at life
from a higher view,
I need to have 
a new purview.

Heart aligns,
frustration releases.
Listening intently,
intuition increases.
My worth
shines through 
the fog of doubt.
Self-love blooms,
expanding out.
As faith and trust
inner discord 
begins to clear.

answered in 
my True Self’s voice.
Hearing the words,
this is a choice.
Allowing myself 
to experience the joy
of knowing who I am 
and why.
The God within
helps me to see
that every moment
is made to be
exactly what 
I need for me
to learn and grow

Coming together

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Dear Ones, today’s message bears witness to your expression of freedom, sovereignty and loving might as you come together to build, from within each of your individual life experiences. As you move forward, you may know that the difficulty and perceived chaos playing out on your planet is the letting go of the old and the introduction of the new. This is going to be a slow process so that you can collectively see where reassessment, innovative thought and healing needs to be provided. Allow this time to play out and try to meet each moment as calmly and neutrally as you can. Understand that you are moving away from the right/wrong paradigm and coming together into a unified understanding on what may benefit the whole. This is a wider & more loving perspective, an appreciation for each individual expression and its relevance to the whole. As you witness the divine in each other, you will care less about beliefs and more about the truth and wisdom each one offers through their hearts, mind and inner vision. As you all learn to come together, value and respect each other’s differences, the puzzle begins to take shape as the pieces move into alignment/place. Trust in yourselves, in your ability to move into tolerance, compassion and forgiveness. The past was there to learn from and to show you what it is you truly want as the master creators you are.” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by Hans-Peter Gauster

Gifts of gratitude

Your natural state
is one of grace.
Of ease and flow,
God’s loving embrace.
A sweet surrender,
a letting go
of conflict 
and of having control.

in the moment
you’re in,
being present
and calm within.
Looking around,
you understand
the beauty that 
is close at hand.
Everything is 
one with you,
one with God,
you know 
it’s true.

fills up 
your heart,
the overflow 
begins to start
to radiate 
throughout your field.
Beyond your space,
the gift of you
moves into wholeness
with the human race.

Your inner world 
infuses the day.
Your feelings inspire
as you give them away.
Being grateful
for all that surrounds,
make miracles happen 
and blessings abound.
Magical moments
start to appear,
signs from above
that are loud and clear.
Thanking you
for who you are
and what you do,
the Universe 
is gifting you.

“May I know myself in gratitude of the gifts of the Kingdom that seek to be bestowed upon me.”
The Kingdom, The Guides through Paul Selig

Full Moon blessings

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“Today is a full day. One that, as you experience it, rises up with the many blessings it has in store for you. Each of you have packets of energy that awaits the time you are ready to receive them. They are specific to you, your systems, your growth and evolution and when they do download, they give you a nice boost forward and upwards. Today, is one of these days where if you are ready and open, you will be given exactly what you need. Today, children of God, receive what is rightfully yours, individually and collectively. You can allow these perfect blessings of energy to stream to you and through you by taking a moment and opening yourself up to receiving them. They will be available not just today but in the weeks ahead and always. But you might as well receive them sooner than later as they will empower you and create opportunities that are ripe/ready to be experienced in the next chapter of your ongoing saga. Let yourselves trust in your process and journey, knowing that your growth does support the whole. Through your expansion, you move from witness/observer to empowered player, acting in the interests for the higher good. You are ready for your next steps and you are always supported on your journey. Guidance is available when asked for and thinking through your circumstances will not be as productive as intuiting in the moment where your attention wants/needs to go. One moment at a time, your adventure unfolds.” in partnership with Athena

*photo by John Peters