I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today’s message is about Grace and hardship. It is a simple,daily choice to either fight the waves or flow in a loving current that buoys, surrounds and embraces you. As you move in the energies that are being tossed around from one person to another, which is the experience you want? Do you wish to ride the waves or fight them?
As you move through these precious times to the place that is inherently your home, you choose the daily events that become your purview for this ascension. You are creating your own reality and what you see before you is thereby your making. So if you are tired of fighting, tired of feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, you can allow yourself to surrender to the flow of Grace. Allow this beautiful gift and trust that as you float in the current of God’s divine love, the scenery changes. Even though chaos might still be playing out elsewhere, what you see before you/out your window, will always support you for your highest good. When you are ready to stop fighting, the solutions are always available, ready to bring ease into your lives. Ride the waves with joy and LIGHTness.” in partnership with Yeshua
*photo by Trevor Gurzen