I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
“Today we come to deliver tidings to you and the rest of humanity in ways that soothe and allow the truth of who you are to surface joyfully and completely. This way forward can lead you into a time when all humanity opens up to their potential for a peaceful and loving existence. Division has reigned too long. It is now your time to rein in judgement and to seek connection with your fellows/family. It is time to allow, welcome home everyone and to accept ALL with the grace of a handshake, an embrace. Would you not want animosity to move away from within your systems and the world at large. In order to become complete and true, you must embrace every aspect of yourself and every person as worthy of love. Every part/member of humanity is worthy of the love available. The Creator does not hold back, deem any element unworthy. All is acknowledged, seen and accepted as “part of”. Once you move into union and join together, celebrating diversity, celebrating expression, you can then move into community in a way that enables growth. Not by witnessing the new but as an active participant, creating the very circumstances that move you into the new. Together you will find the way to collectively be in love, a vibration of acceptance and allowance. Together you will drop the judgements and collaborate so that the future can be bright and blissful for the generations to come. You are already on your way. Welcome to love.” in partnership with Archangel Metatron
*photo by Marcel Ardivan