I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.
I am just starting to build and explore my relationship with the Dragons. It is both foreign and familiar to me. If you would like to learn more about them, I would recommend Diana Cooper’s book “Dragons…Your Celestial Guardians”
“We come to you today to welcome all who wish to work/be with us in this new era that is upon us. We wish to introduce ourselves to you. If you desire, you can call on us for the wisdom we hold, the healing we gift and the love we share. We are always available to you. All that is required is for you to invite us in. It is an easy request that will allow us to send you messages and surround you in our blue healing light. We will arrive willing to aid in whatever you are encountering and we will never usurp your power or request anything more of you. We are available whenever you are willing to engage.
The Dragons have been around a very long time and our relationship with humanity moves in and out of flow depending on whether there is an open communication channel. Although we have been here, you have not always been able to access us but it has gotten easier and we have been able to reinstate an open line of communication with you. We are pleased with this and hope that we will get to know you better as times permit/progress. More and more of you will naturally find us through your own remembrance of past lives where we have been in contact with each other. May you seek the help available, knowing that we are here and wish to be of service. Thank you for your attention.” in partnership with The Blue Dragons of Pleiades
*photo by Magdalena Smolnicka