Being in truth

It is easy to fall into the mind trap of “thinking” we are right and others are wrong. Once we believe in something, our minds justify it by seeking out evidence to support it. Our perspective narrows and we become closed off to anything that does not support our idea. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of investing in an idea and believing we are one with it. Then we start fighting as if our survival is dependant on whether people are in agreement with us or not. 

 Unlike information that can change daily, the truth is always true. 

It is true that we ALL carry within us a divine spark. We are ALL here to experience and express through our lives. We are ALL learning and expanding. We ALL have feelings that are meant to help us understand ourselves and each other better. We ALL have a heart, mind & free will that allow us to make choices and we are ALL responsible for these choices. 

If we can learn to practice tolerance and respect each other’s choices then we can ALL live in truth, freedom, peace, love and unity.

Cocooned in God’s love

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“We have gathered today, high dimensional beings, your friends, your family, ALL, to celebrate the times that are upon us. These times of great change have been long in coming. You have travelled far and wide to see the changes evolve/shift into the very events/experiences/opportunities that enable us to witness the old release and new reborn. You will learn to understand each moment by going within and following your inner compass. Try not to focus outside of yourself because those images are an outpicturing of the projectors you are. Whatever comes into your awareness is exactly what needs to be addressed inside of yourself. Are you spending time witnessing aggression and violence? Where are you holding the anger and fear that needs to be seen inside of you? Are you in judgement, intolerance and frustration? You are holding these elements, allow them to be felt and then give them up. They are no longer necessary. They only exist because you are keeping yourself separate, afraid that you are not safe, seen or loved. You may rest in the knowing that you have always been and will always be. Know that you are cocooned in my love and the day will come when you emerge and float/fly in the new energies that are there to support and uplift. Let go of trying to “figure” out the storyline, the wrongdoers and the ones that will lead you forward. You are all of these aspects of the whole. You are the ones who made the mistakes and you are the ones with the solutions. Embrace your heart and the wisdom that flows through it. Allow it to lead you into the next chapter of your never-ending story. Trust that you will have the many opportunities you wish to experience and know that I am there with you, encouraging and loving you every step of the way. Promise yourself that as the days pass, you will sit in judgement no more but in witness of the Divine that is not only inherent in everyone and everything but is manifesting for the highest good of ALL. And so it is.” in partnership with God

*photo by Suzanne D. Williams

A beautiful prayer

The Guides (Melchizedek) through Paul Selig, offer this powerful prayer at the end of Chapter 3 of the upcoming book, “The Kingdom,” which will be released in August of this year:

“May I know peace. May I know love. May I know myself in gratitude of the gifts of the Kingdom that seek to be bestowed upon me. May I know joy and prosperity. May I know my brother as myself, my sister as myself. May I know all things as they truly are, and not as how I’ve been instructed to see them. May I know God in the air, in the sky, in the earth, in the sea, and in all things. I offer myself to God in this new agreement. Behold, I make all things new.”

For years, I have been a student of The Guides whose teachings are channeled through Paul Selig. They have connected many dots for me and have lighted the way forward with love, support and divine wisdom. Their wisdom and energetic attunements have provided me the tools to not only raise my vibration but to also be of better service. I am very grateful for them and for Paul & his team! 

If you wish you can find more information at:

Living in love and kinship

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“It can be easy to forget that we are one family-brothers and sisters, ALL. It can be easy to forget that the illusion of separation is only on this plane of existence. That there are other realms, dimensions, that we are all as ONE. It can be easy to forget that love is our natural state of being when we are in resistance & fear. So, it is not surprising when we become easily combative, frustrated and confused with one another.    

After saying this, I can offer another perspective, a new way of being. Each morning, spend a few moments contemplating the beauty that exists around you.  Look at the sky, the clouds, take in the trees and the animals and try to see the Divine in the sights before you. Once you start there, in appreciation of the beauty you behold, it is then easier to gaze upon your sisters and brothers with this softer lens. To see the beauty in another allows the one seen to feel loved and honoured. It is then easier to move into a space of kinship, camaraderie and enjoyment for no other reason but for their company. When you do not have to agree or be on the same side, it can be easier to see them as beauty full and with that, they bloom. Once we are seen, it can be easier to remember we are family. We are brothers and sisters. It can be easier to remember that we are love. It can be easier to extend the smile/hand to another as long as we are open, non-resistant and caring. Both ways of being are easy to slip in and out of once you are aware that you are the ones choosing. Do you wish to live in fear & separation or love & kinship?” in partnership with Yeshua

*photo by vnwayne fan

You are free

Free yourself

from the prison of separation and judgment.

Free yourself

from the prison of shame and lack.

God has the key.

The key is in your heart.

Allow the God within.

Free yourself


An evergoing journey

I offer this message from my heart to yours with love.

“The choice you have is the one placed before you in the moment. That is where your focus/attention needs to be in order for you to build a life that you wish to experience. Many of you look ahead and stay there, not truly understanding that it is in the moment you sit in that gets you there. We encourage you to try and stay present understanding that we are bringing things/thoughts/ people/events that will help you achieve what you most desire to experience and learn. That is how it works, you imagine or dream about adventure, nature, fun, growth etc…and then your many helpers stitch together a roadmap. You then choose in real time how you will proceed to your destination. It is beautiful to witness when you are in the flow, receptive, open to all the blessings/opportunities that are laid out in front of you. And when there is a break, a respite, then you know it is time to rest, go within, heal and listen to the messages/wisdom of  your heart. We recommend that in each moment, you stay alert, aware and honour where you are. It is just one step/moment after another. Trust that the destination that you are travelling to is getting closer and closer until one day you will arrive. And then you will seek a new destination. It is an evergoing journey to enjoy.” in partnership with God

*photo by Javier Allegue Barros